DCUI: Comic Book Collection Requests 📚

Detective Comics (1937-)

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I’ve seen people ask for over a year that Warlord be added to the digital comics list. There are 2 issues online, perpetually taunting us. Is there ever a plan to add the rest of the series?


Hanna-Barbera Beyond should get it’s own showcase collection, like how Scooby-Doo has one. It would feature all the recent Hanna-Barbara comics from 2016 on.

Scooby Apocolypes
Future Quest
Future Quest Presents
Wacky Raceland
The Ruff and Ready Show
Dastardly and Muttley
Exut, Stage Left!: The Snagglepuss Chronicles
The DC Meets Hanna-Barbera comics

The description could be something like:
“See all your favorite classic Hanna-Barbera characters reimaged darker and edgier than ever before.”

Famous Firsts could have a few comics added.
All Star Comics 1940 #3 & #8 first JSA and Wonder Woman
Wonder Woman 1942 #1 (Superman and Batman #1 are both included)
Detective Comics 1937 #38 first Robin the Boy Wonder
Showcase 1956 #4 & #22 first Barry Allen Flash and Hal Jordan Green Lantern
Adventure Comics 1938 #247 first Legion of Superheroes
Action Comics 1938 #252 first Supergirl
The Brave and the Bold 1955 #25 first Suicide Squad
The Brave and the Bold 1955 #28 first JLA
The Brave and the Bold 1955 #54 first Teen Titans
Batman: Harley Quinn first Harley Quinn in the main DC Universe

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For the Amazons Attack! Collection may someone please correct the issues? Currently Teen Titans 69-70 are in the collection. The correct issues are Catwoman 69-70. These would be in the same spot.


We have your latest requests collected - thank you! :slight_smile:
@Heartshadow - we’re still in the process of going through requests, but I’ve not heard back on plans to add it as of right now. We’ll keep you updated on things, though, letting you know what we end up deciding to add!


I’m looking at a timeline for Final Crisis, and I want to do ot right hut can’t find Battle for Bludhaven, the six part series. I assume it’s just not up, am I right?

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Yeah, it’s missing.

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I don’t believe it exists digitally yet. If I see something missing from here that probably should be, I usually check ComiXology to see if it’s available for purchase. There’s obviously been a few cases of content being removed due to issues with the creators, but 99% of the time, it’s just that it doesn’t exist digitally yet.

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I think we need the missing Scooby Doo comics. Especially, if they is still more team up issues.

Can you add the boomshell comics please and Harleen would also be nice :harleyquinn_hqas:

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Bombshells are in the comics section

Unless I’m missing something we need grant Morrison animal man. And just more focus on adding older comics, i know some are always being added but to me the best part of dcu is reading the stuff from the past.


More Superman comics please. I want to see all the superman adaptation comics on here. Also maybe Man of Steel tie in comics.

The latest requests are being compiled - thank you! :slight_smile:


I just scrolled through all the storylines and showcase entries and didn’t see any Tangent collection. A Tangent collection would be great and make it easy to find all the comics.

There’s 50 print issues of Scooby Doo Team Ups but for whatever reason they were released as two issues each digitally, with the second half of the story being released later. I would guess there’s 100 digital issues of Scooby Doo Team Ups (not sure how many are on the service).

Can we have some Digital First comic series? Such as Titans together and Gotham Nights.

Also, not sure where to ask this but, can we have a way to check when issues are going to be dropped on DC Universe? I’m waiting for some comic issues that I can’t find in stores and want to know when they are going to drop on DC Universe.

I’ve sent these suggestions to the team!

Also @Kfairy88, you can see what’s coming for the month by keeping an eye on the Watchtower for our Last Chance & Coming Soon topics, like this one for August. You can also find them via the tags #whats-new and #whats-coming !

Thank you!