DCUI: Comic Book Collection Requests πŸ“š

Thanks for the request @steve.menendian.82853. I have sent it over to them team.



Please pardon my lack of tact in asking this question. I simply don’t know where else to post it.

Since early 2022, Marvel has sold e-book versions of their omnibus editions via various digital services. May I ask why DC Comics refuses to do the same with their own omnibus editions and compendiums (sometimes even skipping Deluxe editions such as Gerard Way’s Doom Patrol and Batman: Under the Red Hood)?


Welcome back to the community, friend!

Unfortunately we’re not able to answer this question as it’s a decision made by a different team, however I’m happy to take this as your feedback for wanting e-book versions of omnibuses, compendiums, and more deluxe editions. Thank you for sharing your concern. :slight_smile: