DCU: What Do You Like About DC Universe? And What Would You Change?

Hi eric (if that is your real middle name), I’m looking at your other comments here, and I think I can help clarify some of your concerns.

With regards to grouping the comics by week, the challenge there lies in the way certain publications have been released. For some continuities, it’s important to read comics published years later, first! It’s a strange magic we weave.

But for that, we have our Collections, and our Community. If you’re looking for say, reading orders for the Superman Triangle Era, look no further than our Triangle Era Volume 1 collection to get you started. We have a whole “collection of collections” here for your timeline pleasure, and are constantly working on more.

We also have really helpful topics like this one, but if you are looking for a specific character or understanding don’t hesitate to reach out to our Community.

Which takes us to your follow-up comment- thank you so much for the kind words, and for recognizing the work we put into building a positive space.

To answer your question:

We are building towards a “single sign on” environment, where one account can access many points of DC fandom. In that way, you can sign up for either the DC Universe app or the Community and you will have created an account for the forums. The forums are, and have always been, free to everyone.

You can rest assured that we employ a fleet of professionally trained moderators to ensure that disruptive behavior is kept at bay. This is why you haven’t noticed any problems- our very own super-heroes!

In terms of how we can be sure DC or att/WB won’t shut down the forums, they had an opportunity this year to do so when they consolidated the company’s leadership structure and business priorities. Nothing in life is guaranteed, that’s what keeps it interesting and spicy. But at this time the company is invested in creating digital experiences that serve the fans at home, a priority that becomes increasingly important in 2020 and 2021.

Keep us posted on what continuities you’d like to see, and be sure to let us know if you have any more questions!