DCU Book Club Week 46: SUPERMAN RED SON Issues 1-3

This is the first time I have done a read along and hopefully will participate in more in the future. I have read this series before but didn’t remember that much of it because it’s been so long. My favorite character in this series was probably Superman because it was fascinating to see him as a citizen of the Soviet Union but still have all the valves and ideas of being a citizen of America. My favorite moment was when Lex said that if they were born in the same country that they might have been friends. I don’t really consider Superman to be evil in this adaptation as he is just trying to make the world a better place. I’m looking forward to seeing the adaptation of this series into a movie next year even more after this reading.

  1. I read this story a long time ago. I vaguely remembered what happened so I didn’t know what happened while reading it now. It was like reading it fresh.

  2. Honestly, I didn’t even know that this was an Evil Superman story. I thought it took place in a universe where communism actually worked, and Stalin taught him the ways of communism without force. Now that I know its an Evil Superman story. It’ll be way down the list. Superman doesn’t do anything bad! The only bad thing about Superman is the fact that he spread communism around the globe. And somehow it worked. I don’t think it should’ve though. It worked horribly in Soviet Russia back then, and it’s killing the citizens of Cuba. People were starving, were homeless, and were unemployed. Now you’re telling me that communism is a new democracy?! Doesn’t make sense

  3. Favorite character: Lex Luthor. Got rid of communism, and did much more with science and space exploration than Superman did because of his intelligence

  4. My favorite moment was when Lex died. He died and shaped humanity forever. Because of him, humans live 800 years, cancer doesn’t exist, and humans are the most advanced society on the planet. He died the best way anyone can. Saving the world



Lex is my favorite character here as well. I thought they way Miller wrote him was so engaging. One of my biggest draws to the book.

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I agree. That moment really stood out to me as well, even if I don’t really believe him. It was powerful. Thanks for joining us! Hope to see you soon!

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Good to see so much lex love. That moment was so impactful!

I’m kind of surprised that people keep saying that this Superman wasn’t at all evil – he lobotomized people for political dissent. At the very least you could say he was severely morally compromised.

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  1. I’m pretty sure I at least read parts of this before.
  2. Rank among other “evil Superman” stories: It’s right there in the upper middle of them. It is a compelling read thanks to Mark Millar’s writing (not so much the art), but frankly the whole mind control thing didn’t seem logical for Superman to do. He was driven by the belief that all men and women should have equal financial standing, and that control device made men his slaves.
  3. Fav character of the story: For sure it was Superman overall, especially in the end when he comes to his senses.
  4. The favorite moment for me was when it was revealed Luthor had such an advanced mind he had arranged everything that happened from the beginning. It was very similar to the Foundation series concept by Isaac Asimov, where a historian comes up with a mathamatical way to predict the rise and fall of galactic empires and to then use this knowledge to guide all this to the best future.


Fantastic point. I really didn’t expect to see so many people think Superman was a good guy in this story.


Thanks for reminding me I’ve yet to read the Foundation series. Great points as always, Don!

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