DCU Book Club-Girl Power! Week 91 ARTEMIS in RED HOOD AND THE OUTLAWS (2016-) Issues 8-11, June 8-14

Hi! @MattMcDonald

I really like her! Wonder Woman is amazing, but for me Artemis is that Amazonian friend you call when things need to go down, and you need to make sure Wonder Woman maintains plausible deniability. :laughing:

It was a powerful moment indeed!

I’m happy you enjoyed the revisit to this team and series :smiley:

If you’re looking to mend fences and create alliances, you call Wonder Woman.

If you hecked up and you need a body to be buried, you call Artemis.



I am writing this post a little late. This was the first time reading any of the Rebirth Red Hood and the Outlaws series. I am glad that I started with this story and cain’t wait to read more. Have to know what happens to Bizarro. Other than the first Wonder Woman animated movie, I have not seen or read about Artemis before. I really like her. My favorite moments in these comics involved the groupings of Artemis and Akila; Bizarro and the child; and Jason and the soldiers. The final scenes between Artemis and Akila were heartbreaking. Jason’s sarcasm with the soliders and the dictator were funny. Bizarro’s treatment of the child was cute and fun.


Oh my goodness this is too true! :rofl: :rofl:

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