DC's Treatment of Nightwing

And then to add to that. Make sure to cycle through different artists semi regularly (unless it’s a massive story.)

Yeah I think I might of been lost a little in translation there. Basically I was trying to say Yes I don’t want anyone’s opinions of characters driving the story either. Leave all that at the door. Just like hey, we know all this about this character and who they are so how can we expand on that run wild? So I guess we agree on that front?

Okay, now here’s where we disagree. I’m big on consistency. I hate revolving artists or when you can clearly see the different artists in an issue. Like it needs to be consistent for me. I mean, if they’ve worked on it for a long time then, yeah a new artist might be needed so they don’t get burnt out. But, it cannot be every few issues a new artist. Especially within the same issue or story arc. IDK I’m just weird and picky when it comes to consistency.

So wild that I came across this discussion! I just started New 52 Nightwing and it’s good! I mean he’s no Jack Knight ( but who could compare to The Starman) but he’s a great Batman adjacent read if you’ve already tore through all the Batman stuff! In the current Nightwing I’m just killing time until he gets his head right and goes back to being Dick not Ric! It’s pretty Ric-diculous to even go through all this because you know with absolute certainty that he’s gonna recover, so why even waste pages with it! I really do dig Nightwing…just not presently!

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Oh I’m saying like after that artist has finished their arc. Like maybe every 5 runs or so.

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Oh yeah that works nvm. Don’t mind me.

@EverAJ Hey man! I was just complaining to my wife how I really hate it when they swap artists! Hate may be too strong of a word but I really don’t like it when you can tell it’s someone new! Like when there’s an artist who draws really gritty like and then you get someone who’s hand is more akin to a cartoonist! I’m not ripping on the artwork because I myself can’t draw nowhere near the level of these wicked DC artists but it does seem to change the tone of the comic for me personally! Glad I’m not the only one! Hahahha

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You are definitely not. It’s even worse in the same issue when pages hop between artists. It drives me BANANAS!!!

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It’s a symptom of him being a supporting character in projects titled “Batman.” Ultimately, you can have a cast as large as you like, but if Batman’s name is on the marquee, he’s going to be the hero.