DC Universe is making all the right choices

We all agree, we love DCU and the choices it makes for us.

DC Universe knows what’s best for us, even when we cannot see it, even when we hurt, even if we doubt. So, to that very small but very vocal percentage - worry not. You will learn it as you go, that’s if you can be patient enough to stay and see fot yourself.

That is all.


Yes! So many people try their hardest nowadays to see the worst in everything, and end up losing sight of what is really great. Even with the whole ST controversy, DC continues to create truly awesome content. I’m excited for all that is to come, and all that is happening with this service.


Ok…I would love an explanation of what Spiderman punching out Superman has to do with DCU having their customer’s best interest in mind. I tried to come up with a link, but ended up feeling dumb :joy:…please explain!


@moro I was wondering that too. It was to just be funny, well done it made me laugh!



No clue, just picked a random pic on Google lol

True that it wasn’t in any relation - though I will admit, Spidey happens to be my favorite Marvel character but yeah, his punches wouldn’t even do anything to Supes!!


Ok, well I guess it did its job in grabbing some attention then :slightly_smiling_face:


And again Gibbyhertz with the mixed messaging. Did someone put something in his squirrel chow today?


All positive, no negative here. I will always support DCU and be a subscriber :slight_smile:


Just having fun Gibbyhertz, love your positivity today



Thanks!! :smiley:

We are the true fans. We will stick up fir DC Universe and return that support and love which they always have given us so freely. I believe in them. Next year will be even greater as every day is a learning experience for fans and companies alike.


I’ve just bookmarked all your positive. Truly diggin it😎


Oh, wow, guys…


This is way too far in the opposite direction. Are you going to thank Big Brother next or join some youth group that always drinks the Kool-Aid?

If something upsets or annoys you-- say so. But politely. No screaming. No threatening-- “I’m gonna quit!” “You betrayed us!” “I’m not gonna watch that anymore.” Ok, then-- go ahead and spite yourself, and squash down any hopes of a reboot of any kind in the future, small though they may-- or may not be.

Again, NO. Nobody betrayed anybody. Business decisions happen. No promises were broken. And even proclaiming dashed hopes was premature-- fair, perhaps, but premature.

Badges from Applejack are cool. Armbands that say “We are the true DC fans”-- not so much.

Yea, be positive. Every Friday on this website really still is Swamp Thing Day-- for around 7 more weeks, anyway.

YES. Celebrate what you have.

It’s okay to have the opinion that the negativity of last week was wrong, and to feel better about yourself for being supportive of what you love.

Just don’t let anything that sounds like a sense of supremacy into it.


Oh, wow, guys…


This is way too far in the opposite direction. Are you going to thank Big Brother next or join some youth group that always drinks the Kool-Aid?

If something upsets or annoys you-- say so. But politely. No screaming. No threatening-- “I’m gonna quit!” “You betrayed us!” “I’m not gonna watch that anymore.” Ok, then-- go ahead and spite yourself, and squash down any hopes of a reboot of any kind in the future, small though they may-- or may not be.

Again, NO. Nobody betrayed anybody. Business decisions happen. No promises were broken. And even proclaiming dashed hopes was premature-- fair, perhaps, but premature.

Badges from Applejack are cool. Armbands that say “We are the true DC fans”-- not so much.

Yea, be positive. Every Friday on this website really still is Swamp Thing Day-- for around 7 more weeks, anyway.

YES. Celebrate what you have.

It’s okay to have the opinion that the negativity of last week was wrong, and to feel better about yourself for being supportive of what you love.

Just don’t let anything that sounds like a sense of supremacy into it.


…I have no idea why this posted twice…



The trolling has only gotten worse this week with the farfetched rumors and complaints…

We literally have people with no interest in DCU coming here only with intent to stir the pot and capitalize on the damage if Swamp Thing. For example, there are threads now claiming that DCU cancelled Doom Patrol Season 2. Now, when people ask for sources, the OP never returns. This has been a recurring issue and how I deem to seperate “REAL” fans from the fake.

How do we fix it? Perhaps Community 2.0 will make it so that only subscribers who pay are allowed permission to comment on certain sections of the boards while the public (non-subscribers) has their own smaller contained section which can be easily and closely monitored by moderators. That would be the best possible outcome and the most fair one.

I’m all for constructive criticism and progressive/radical freedom uncensored speech but if people want respect, they should give respect first. That includes not kicking DCU while their down, I won’t support or tolerate childish behavior on the community, having a circus community is the only thing that will make the community look bad, that doesn’t really include elitism though. There will always be that top-tier level of fanboyism hehe XD



I’m not the one drinking the kool-aid. You have people reading/watching click-bait articles on the web or videos on youtube then coming here and makimg accounts just to cause drama and division, then leaving lol

People who defend this are just as bad, I’m not yelling or screaming, just trying to make the community a bit more positive and get the negative out. This shouldn’t become an issue but I understand, sometimes tone of text can be hard to get. So maybe I’m at fault for not wording it better.


…DC has made some horrible choices. For it and its fans. Not all bad but ugh. The moment I was able to I signed up for this service and did the year subscription. There are things I didn’t like from day one, I much prefer the entire season bring released at one and not weekly as an example, but it’s a quibble.
Swamp Thing was the number one series for me and a big part of me signing up. The scary thing is how they did it. They didn’t even wait till the end of the season to see how overall viewership went. They killed it at episode one. They won’t give a reason. That’s worrying. If the reason was, hey, this is an expensive series and viewership want where it needs to be, then maybe a huge save our show viewership drive. This goes beyond that. This isn’t good and the sound of crickets from DC, despite the rampant rumors, is bad.


Say that to the Swamp Thing fans


Say that to the Swamp Thing fans