DC UNIVERSE Is Becoming DC UNIVERSE INFINITE, Your New Premiere Comic Subscription Service, January 2021!

I’m glad that we’re getting more comics content, but I’m really gonna miss the video content too. DCU is essentially becoming Marvel Unlimited and WB is shifting its attention to mainstream audiences. From a business perspective it makes sense, yet it shouldn’t come at the expense of the hardcore, niche fans.


The discounted renewal price was a special offer that was offered for a limited time, the current renewal price for everyone is $74.99/year. This isn’t to say that there will never be another special offer, but, at this time, this is the standard rate and will remain unchanged with the transition to DCUI.


I do have to say, the one thing I’ll really miss is finishing an episode and getting a related comic suggestion at the end. That was always neat.


I can’t say I’m over joyed about this. With the added price of having HBOMax just to watch all the DC video content. Also DC price pretty much the same. Right now there is too much to read for me to be concerned with newer comics. Hmmm things think about.


Plus, I cant justify physical collecting of comics cause I have no space lol.

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Somehow, the fact that this is also true for me still hasn’t stopped me. Someone should probably get on that…lol


Well we all knew it was happening. I’ll gladly continue with DCU[I] but a big nope to HBO Max.

Also thanks for keeping the community. I like this place.


This is going to be awesome!

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At least that’s what the FAQ says. Classics are questionable

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Whomever will be setting up the DC content on HBO MAX, hopefully they include that in the description


So I’m currently taking advantage of the HBO Max promo pricing that was offered by DC Universe. Is the promotional price just going to continue beyond the original 6 months when I signed up, or will I have to unsubscribe then resubscribe to get that promo pricing? (I hope this makes sense)

Video content will be slowly removed within the coming months. We announce what’s leaving around the 21st of the month for the upcoming month in the Watchtower. Check out everything for October.


i bought into dcu for the movies/tv shows, i could not wait to watch b:tas! comics were just an unexpected bonus. looks like im canceling my sub since i have hbo.



That is correct - all Originals will now be available on HBO Max. However, DC Universe is getting a glow-up and turning into DC Universe Infinite and will feature so much more! Check out everything in our FAQs!


Jason, Thanks for asking that question. I rarely have the time (or brainpower after work) to sit down and read comics. What I do have time for is to watch a BTAS (or other show) episode as I’m winding down.

I feel like I’ve been taken for a ride the past two years. And I signed up on Day One.


I was JUST going to invest in a kindle for comic book reading. I work from home so my phone and laptop are way too distracting when I just want some down time from work.

Any plans to bring DC Infinite on Kindle?

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I posted this song in the Harley Quinn thread regarding the Season 3 renewal, but everyone else join me on the dance floor!


The video content location info will be helpful. Will it be updated down the road as programs can change services?

I’m glad about the comics, but will miss the video content. The multimedia element was something that set DCU apart.

I also hope that they will expand the archives team, and we get more golden and silver age comics on a regular basis. There are still so many gaps and genres we see little of.

Will we be getting at least some of the silver age romance comics as part of this change? These are an important piece of DC comics legacy, newer comics are great, but so much of DC is its history. Iveouidbhstevtobseecsyvhvan important part remain left by the wayside.

If this is going to be DC ultimate. Retaining and expanding the silver and gold age comics is crucial.

Steve Dirki’s Creeper series is no where to be found. It is not only the first series Ditko invented for Dc, but the creation of a character that has become integrated into DC bustory.


Will there by a senior citizen’s discount? Is that on Tuesdays?


Thank you, can’t wait to see what’s in store!!!

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