DC Universe Infinite: One Year Later


This post specifically refers to the anniversary of DC UNIVERSE INFINITE which started on January 21st of 2021. Before that date, the service was just referred to as DC UNIVERSE.

Once we launched DC UNIVERSE INFINITE, all video media was removed from the service with a majority of it heading over to HBO Max. The service then doubled down on adding more and more comics and releasing them earlier than we had done in the past. We’re all about comics now :slight_smile:


For some clarity on doubling down on comics before then there were no graphic novels (not that big of a deal), and comics came out 1 year instead of six months later (big deal at times).


I’ve definitely enjoyed DC Universe Infinite a great deal! I check it out just about every day and never fail to find something to read. Originally, I concentrated on reading older titles but have been surprised at how many newer titles I’ve come to enjoy. Also, the Community is the most welcoming forum I’ve ever found. The Moderators are wonderful! I really want to take better advantage of it especially joining one or more of the clubs. Everyone I’ve interacted with is beyond friendly and/or knowledgeable as well. Here’s to many more anniversaries!