DC Pride Book Club Week 1: Midnighter (2015-) #1-5 🌈

IMO, Midnighter’s introduction in live action must be done in an Authority movie.

Once The Authority exists in movie form, then Midnighter could have a side gig in a solo movie.


That would be cool! Though I feel like it needs to be a pretty big budget affair (or at least with a director/team that can do amazing stuff with a small budget like Neill Blomkamp) – him and The Authority created widescreen comics, after all!


Midnighter and Apollo shouldn’t have to wait for an Authority movie or series to be made. They stand on their own.

  1. Is this your introduction to Midnighter? I think I read some Authority years ago, but it didn’t really make an impression.

  2. What do you think about the way the artist portrays action scenes? Very dynamic! I don’t know what the little different colored frames/x-rays are about.

  3. Did you enjoy seeing Midnighter interacting with a certain BatFam member? I love their dynamic! Love it!

  4. Are you interested in learning more about Midnighter? Yeah, I think I’ll continue this series!

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@SuperBrainiac Happy Pride! We definitely need more Midnighter. I would love another solo or team book with Apollo.

@fansumtheory.16165 Happy Pride Month to you too :slight_smile: We are incredibly fortunate to have all of this content to read.

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@Jay_Kay Never considered Midnighter showing up on Doom Patrol to have a few dates with Larry. That would actually work! It would help Larry get out there and be more open, because Midnighter would not be shy and would bring Larry out of his shell.

@Vroom I think he could debut in a solo film as long as his ties with The Authority are still there. I gotta agree with @manoferos78.20423 on that one :slight_smile:

@biff_pow That’s awesome that you enjoyed it enough to continue the series! I love Midnighter and Grayson’s dynamic too. Dick just works with so many different characters. He plays off of them really well.

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Introduce Midnighter on Doom Patrol Season 2 and spin it off! Then have it crossover with Titans for that Nightwing action :slight_smile:


Mae, you just cracked the code! Heck, The Authority can meet the Doom Patrol. Then you spin-off an Authority show and spin-off a Midnighter show from that. Am I getting too greedy now? :slight_smile:



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Oh my Siegel and Shuster, a DCU original series for The Authority would be great! I’m all for that.

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I was trying to finish this series, but it turns out you can’t. Midnighter #11 is from the wrong series. :frowning:


I know, it’s such a bummer. I let them know in their support thread about incorrect issues listed about a week ago.

It is? Man, I noticed it had a different cover, but I was hoping that the cover was the only discrepancy. Oh well, I’ll probably just wait until that’s fixed to finish up the series.

Last I checked, the interiors were from the 2006 series not the 2015 one. Hopefully if gets sorted out soon.

Thank you everyone for making Week 1 of this Pride Book Club a lot of fun. I loved getting to read all of your thoughts on Midnighter. If you have any more to add, feel free. We will be starting Week 2 shortly. :grinning:


I finished reading all 5 a few days ago and never came back and said my opinion slaps forehead Such is my life right now. Here are my answers:

  1. Is this your introduction to Midnighter?

I knew of the character due to his LGBT status, but I had not read anything with him in it.

  1. What do you think about the way the artist portrays action scenes?

I liked the way the artist portrayed all the action scenes, all of them :wink: I thought the violent action were handled in a manner that fit what they were saying was the character and his ability to understand outcomes in advance. I also think they portrayed the LGBT action appropriately as well. Not graphic and just a part of his life. Even the sexy bits just were a part of his life. I applaud the handling of this content by artist and the writer. I also applaud DC for publishing it and giving the community an interesting character like this.

  1. Did you enjoy seeing Midnighter interacting with a certain BatFam member?

All I could think was that he was only brought on to play up the eye candy aspect of the title. This became even more clear during the sauna scene. I loved that there was no drama between them about Midnighter being gay. They were just bros hanging out by the end. I appreciated this so much.

  1. Are you interested in learning more about Midnighter?

After reading these five issues, I really think I will be reading “The Authority” and the other issues of this series. It also appears there is a 2006 title that I will read as well. I may have to see if he appears elsewhere as well. He is a little violent for my usual comic book preferences, but I found myself enjoying the fact that he was just a person in many aspects. It is rare to see that type of portrayal. He was flawed, but it wasn’t due to his being LGBT. It was because he is a super-powered human being. I want to read more. Midnighter may become a favorite character from having read these pages.


@PrincessAmethyst If you enjoyed Midnighter in this series, you’ll likely enjoy him even more in The Authority.

A note though: the first Authority series began in 1999 and is a mature readers title. Just a heads-up if you didn’t like the violence in this book.

you know if you like your heroes and villains to keep all their legs and limbs by the end of the issue that kind of thing just be forwarned…

For anyone that was trying to finish reading the series, DC Universe has finally fixed the problem with issues #11-12.

The entire 12 issue run is now on DC Universe for you to read :slight_smile: