DC Movie Hot Takes

Not gonna lie, Avatar franchise is a great example. The Way of Water has a very dumb plot that goes on for 3 hours, with no real ending and only being a bridge for the next one. The only reason I think the franchise is watchable is because of its amazing visual effects. I kinda wish Avatar was left at one movie, instead of being another long-term franchise


I hate that Avatar 2 is making money


I don’t have anything against Avatar, I mean I enjoyed the first one. The second one from what I’m seeing is meh, its James Cameron I have an issue with. Just because he makes crazy amounts of money with this franchise, he thinks it gives him the excuse of bashing every other fantasy and action film in his sight

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Its more the “Never bet against James Cameron” crowd that I hate.


I saw this one headline that said, “I made a mistake underestimating James Cameron”, and the guy was praising everything about the film and I thought, “The VFX is what keeping audiences in theaters, everything else is just there”. It’s a pretty mediocre film.

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It makes sense. Given the at-home movie options, it takes a film that is visually epic to get people into the theaters. But I won’t be rushing to see the new Avatar on a big screen because the story doesn’t interest me.

I was content to see The Batman and Black Adam at home because I expected the story to drive those movies, not VFX. (I was wrong about Black Adam). I only saw one movie, Top Gun Maverick in a theatre last year (in IMAX). I have high expectations for The Flash and Aquaman movies’ visual impact, so I’ll be back.


I don’t mind if Reeves wants to keep his Batman’s universe more grounded.


I might be ditching The Flash



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Why not?

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The Gunnverse will be a disaster.

Some WB executives are alright with moving forward with Ezra Miller and reportedly both Henry Cavill and Gal Gadot have been cut out of The Flash with no plans for another Wonder Woman movie with her in the Gunnverse.

I’m still hoping that James Gunn builds a universe with lesser known characters like The Authority, Zatanna, maybe even some Milestone characters.


Keeping Ezra Miller on as the Flash for a movie they would otherwise have to very expensively reshoot is a cold business decision. And it’s only because they expect enough time will have passed for Ezra to be “rehabilitated” for publicity purposes. Otherwise it’s clear Gunn wants to remake the DC Universe, so Cavill and Gadot get pink slips. Everyone else in The Flash will get theirs after the film’s release.

I suspect the WB’s threshold of tolerance is based on whether the studio thinks Ezra will go to prison for their alleged crimes. And the movie better be amazing for the studio to be that tolerant. As things stand now, I’d still buy a ticket to see it.

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There are at least three Ezras in the upcoming Flash movie, so DC should mount a public relations blitz arguing that only one is a criminal, and only one is crazy. Just like they did for Jack Nicholson.


I thought there were new articles about keeping Gadot?

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On Twitter, Mr. Gunn stated that no Wonder Woman projects in the next 3 years is not true, but Gal Gadot’s involvement is undecided.


I feel the only people who care are people kinda like us, DC/cmb/movie geeks. By the time the film is out most of the general audience won’t remember, care or even know. Granted, it was a long time ago, remember all the drama with Robert Downey Jr. before Iron Man? Now he is beloved.


Whoa. I was thinking about Mr. Downey Jr. when I wrote about Miller. Downey actually did do jail time for failing a drug test while on probation, but Hollywood has a short memory for drug abuse crimes. If Miller manages to pay off his accusers and avoid prison I bet he’ll resurface.

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A five to seven year pause on comic book tent pole movies. Nothing until 2028 at a minimum. If WB was still a movie studio, it should focus on making quality films and much better cinema. Take the time to make something of substance: get some respect placed back on that shield.

When it all starts up again, leave us wanting more. Stop aimlessly churning out three to four comic book movies a single year. Space it out one to two years between a single film.

A possible side effect of all this would be a return of quality to modern mainstream comic books. To once again regard comic books as being an art form, and not random haphazard pitches to hollywood.
