DC Movie Hot Takes

Honestly, I don’t know anyone who doesn’t like Shazam. Everyone I watched with, we all really liked it, and so has everyone I asked.


It feels like I pretty consistently have to explain why the hair & makeup department exists when people start fan-casting, so @DC89: :fist: for this…

I concur! :face_with_monocle: Have more vision than that, internet. Just like trainers and choreographers get hired, so will a hair dresser! (Nice pick, btw)
Also: I have WAY too many opinions on Killing Joke, so I’m not even going to touch that right now. :eyes::purple_heart:


@Razzzcat- Right? Also concurring with your vision take as well. For the most part, actors are professional performers who have trained for significant portions of their lives to rise to the challenge of crafting accurate and compelling interpretations of characters that they’ve been contracted to play on either the stage or in front of the camera lens. This is their job, and almost every single savvy casting director in Hollywood/Broadway knows this as well. Speaking as a scribe who makes their living writing entertainment news I can tell the fan caster community that rarely ever is the time that an actor is cast in a part based solely on direct physical similarities they may share with the character role that needs to be filled. Casting directors/producers/directors gauge the range and past performance experience of the actor first, shared physical appearance similarities second when determining which actor gets which part.

Thx Razzzcat! :smiley: :+1: Reinhart’s got the talent, charisma, and looks like she’d be able to legitimately inhabit the role of Barb very effectively.

Agreed again. Can’t believe my gurrrl was treated sooo very badly in the animated version. :angry: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :angry:


Exactly. Acting is :100: a craft that needs to be respected beyond strictly physical attributes. Casting the right person to adapt words into the physical is something that requires thought, planning and skill. I’m tired of hearing the name of every actor who might remotely resemble a character too. :facepunch:t3:

lol I told you don’t get me started on a rant! Short version: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: indeed! Several dozen colorful expletives actually. BG deserves better. :purple_heart:


Birds of Prey is the best DC movie since TDKR. And certainly one of the best comicbook movies of all time in general. That is my hot take.


I’m a little nervous to post this, but I’m not a fan of Snyder. I thought BvS (both theatrical and director cuts) were pretty bad. I’m gonna watch the JL Snyder cause I love my DC, but I’m not a fan of Snyder’s direction.



I’m sorry, but I like Lili Reinhart The studio can spend the money for a professional dye job. :crazy_face:
Seriously though, she has that all-American, girl next door quality to her. I would almost see her as a new Super Girl. My concern would be her acting. Does she have the experience or the charisma to pull it off. This reaffirms your point of casting director. It is however fun to think about it and hope they move on the project and start things rolling.

Whoever they cast, let’s hope they remember it’s the quality of the actor and not just the look they posses. As well, not just bringing in someone who would put butts in the seats but bring something to the roll.


Great hot take!

Be bold. You are entitled to your opinion. Own it!

No one says you have to love Snyder


I’ve loved Snyder’s DC movies, but I also recognize that he’s so polarizing among the masses that pretty much any opinion about him and his movies can be seen as a hot take depending on who you’re talking to


I just saw where @AK_Bandit shared some new covers and sketches, one being a blonde Batgirl so… sorry Revlon.


Worse, Superman IV brings the implication that Clark toying with her memory is inflicting serious psychological trauma on her…and then doesn’t cash it out beyond just having her deliver Superman’s cape.

Honestly, I was going to float that Superman II is by far the weakest of the Salkind movies, partly because of this, but mostly because, when you strip away these scenes, all you’re really left with is a fight scene that’s exciting, but doesn’t have much of a story to it.


I’m a HUGE Emma fan, and I concur. I’m not sure I’d have casted her as Babs even back in her teen or 20-something days.


Aquaman: Mediocre movie. Fabulous drinking game.


It does make me thirsty for water.


I will say that I thought Man of Steel was alright. Still didn’t like some of the creative choices, but it was more enjoyable and entertaining.


Enjoy seeing everyone’s hot takes. I have one for a live action and an animated one.
I really liked Justice League! I wish it had been longer. I’m a huge Superman fan and I get chill bumps everytime Superman shows up, says something to Steppenwolf and then continues to put the beat down on him! LOVE THAT! I so much wish it had done better so they would have made more! And I’m in no hurry to see the Snyder cut. Now if it showed up on DC Universe for free maybe I would but I’m not paying for HBO Max. Actually I just bought the Donner cut of Superman II on Vudu. And that came out in 2006! I believe that year is correct.
And I thought The Death of Superman was also really good. I thoroughly enjoyed that movie. Sure it’s not the same as the comics but I enjoy the movie and comics for different reasons. And I have the whole story in individual issues. Bagged and boarded of course.


Me too! This is fun.


Actually it’s the motorcycle chase with Dick, and the nuance Barbara gets to have despite being a ‘damsel in distress,’ but the swing dance scene is genuinely delightful, and I may just have to watch it again in order to get that swing dance high!

I wonder if anyone’s ever made an electro-swing version of the song in that movie. If so, I’d love to hear it!


I definitely need more detail on how you played your Aquaman drinking game. :clinking_glasses:

Also: same. It was all right. Not my favorite.


:joy: I’ve only seen it the once, but I definitely remember one of the rules being every time an explosion interruptions a conversation.