DC History Club & Harley’s Crew present 📺 Professor Marston and the Wonder Women (BYOM) Watch-Along! MONDAY 1/11 @ 6PM PST/9PM EST

Thank you again @TurokSonOfStone1950 and @msgtv for the the links! And @TheGirlWonder12 :hugs: Got The Flight Attendant Friday if you’re around? :partying_face:
Ps pssst @cici! You should join the Crew! :sunglasses: Ok, bye.


Oh shoot, thanks for the reminder! I kept forgetting to double check the date :grimacing: I should be able to make it! :crossed_fingers:t3:


Here I am, fashionably late! :sunglasses:

I first saw this in the theaters with my parents and to be fair, I wasn’t quite sure what to expect from it. Part of me thought this movie would mainly focus on Marston and what influenced him to create WW. And while his comic creation certainly plays a role in the movie, it was more focused on his relationship with the women in his life, which I think made it a more unique biopic in that sense. I remember it being a well made movie and it is one I should revisit soon.

I shouod also mention that the family/descendants had some criticism with this movie. Not only were they not contacted regarding the making of this movie, but they also took issue regarding the relationship between Elizabeth and Olive. They said while they did have progressive views on sexuality, their relationship was based on close friendship and not same-sex attraction.

You can always expect a Hollywood biopic to either get something wrong or change things to fit a movie narrative. Like I said, I certainly need to rewatch this. But I still say this was, overall, a very well made movie.


A great film. Rebecca Hall was a revelation.


This was a great movie. Glad to see others enjoyed it!