DC Fan Art Club

I think it’s a cool idea, but don’t overburden yourself.


Whatever is easiest for you boss.

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I accidentally tapped the wrong one :sob::sob:

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I’ll keep it in mind when looking at the final tally :joy:

@DCFanArtClub Good question by HQ, so to elaborate. As far as I understand, a community post in the Fan Creations section could potentially spam in two ways.

  1. Because it’s likely to get more replies than a post made by a single author, it will constantly boost our post to the top of the Fan Creations section, bumping solo contributors down.
  2. Because it’s likely to get more views, purely by the number of us checking in (even if not participating), it will push our post to the Trending section, knocking out posts by the Community in general. This happened with the Robin 80th.

Edit: The above reasons are why I have a feeling I would have to run this by the mods regardless.

I mean, in the same vein, the bookclubs could probably get more participants if they posted in the Comics section, so I think this is why the Keep-Things-in-the-Community guidelines exist. :sweat_drops: Sorry. I’m trying to find a solution that works for the majority and am only making things more complicated.

PS: Do you need me to recreate this poll so that your votes are anonymous? I should have thought of that…


I can see this happening. They “silenced” pretty much all of my baby dc art because of how popular it was. Still haven’t gotten back my baby Harley Quinn.


It happened to our club posts, too. And from what I was told by the mods, posts are silenced only when we have celeb guests. Your posts will probably be back to normal when the guest lineup eases up.


I figured it was something like that, got everything but the baby Harley lol :joy: guess she was just too cute. She was my favorite. But that’s why I’ve slow down on the baby dc stuff . Waiting a little bit. Still have baby pennyworth coming soon @CynicalPink.


I just looked. Your stuff is all there and not silenced.

Well, I didn’t go through all of them, b/c it takes forever on the phone, but scrolling got me at least 4.

Edit: Can’t wait to see Al!!

And also, to clarify for those who are curious: You’ll know if your post is silenced because there will be an eyeball with a line through it near the title.

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I changed my vote! After reading your detailed explanation, keeping it in Community seems like simplest option to me!

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Haha, I wish I could think of a simple solution that makes everyone happy!

Like, I think posting in Fan Creations can be good for the community at large, because there are a lot of non-DCFAC members who hang around Fan Creations and enjoy seeing/commenting on our group’s work when it does get posted.

But I think it’s bad for individual artists who post there and are not members. I don’t want to be all, “YOU ARE NOT ONE OF US AND SO WILL BE CRUSHED.”


I think the mods are gonna say they’d rather we keep it in community anyway, THEN you can say you really WANTED to do it the other way, but ugh! The Man!


The real solution is to just force every single artist to join our ranks.

Who’s with me?!



I see, well I’ve changed my vote. I think we should just hold the ground we have already.

P.S.: I’m with you!


You guys crack me up. I’ve never seen a club, on DC or elsewhere, that so consistently votes right down the middle every darn time. :rofl:


@CynicalPink So I guess I dont know exactly how good/bad this idea is because I haven’t been a member long enough, and honestly have never really been an ‘online community’ participant other than traditional social media ie: Facebook, Instagram, etc. So I say whatever makes it easiest on YOU is the way we should go. This should be fun for you, not a chore and to be blunt…sometimes people have to wait and that’s ok. :grin: I just enjoy being a part of it!


yes! :point_up_2:



Big Changes to How We Share Our Art

I played with everyone’s feedback, scratched down some ideas on how to handle the art challenges, ran it by the wisdom of the mods, and… we have been green lit! :vertical_traffic_light: A-OK. Good to go!

I’ll reiterate this in the next challenge, but for now, here’s the gist of it.

  1. AS USUAL: The Weekly and Monthly challenges will be posted in Community Events > Fan Club Discussions

  2. AS USUAL: You should use these posts to discuss your work, get feedback, ask questions, etc.

  3. WHAT’S CHANGING: :exclamation::exclamation: You will not post your final art in the Fan Club area:exclamation::exclamation:

  • On the final day of the challenges (Saturdays, or the 28th/30th/31st of the month), I will create a post in the Fan Creations section of the community.

  • I will tag the club.

  • Everyone should try to post their final pieces on THAT day in THAT post. If a few people are late, that’s perfectly fine, but the goal is to keep the bulk of our posting limited to this one day.

If we follow this method, theoretically…

a. Everyone will get the additional views/comments/foot traffic that comes with posting in the busier Fan Creations section :eyes:

b. We won’t completely smother the Fan Creations section and solo artists, since we’re constraining most of our posts to a single day :stopwatch:

c. CynicalPink will be less stressed trying to keep up with everyone’s submissions

Are we good? Any questions? Concerns?

If you comment just to tell me I left out leap year, I will spork you.


Sounds good! Happy this will keep you less stressed out with the submissions.


Me too! #lazyleader