DC Fan Art Club: Weekly Challenge #1

Whew! I made it with 49 minutes to spare :smile: So this was supposed to be Zatanna, suspicious but it look more like Zatanna, unimpressed…


And lastly (because I really need to go to bed) Green Arrow, Tired


Sorry for the late uploads! Work’s been murder. Anyway, here is my piece! Superman: Guilty. It immediately made me think of BvS, so here you go!


@Viciousdark @WonderWoman_85 @NovellPaladin @MichaelLakeArt your drawings are all so different and all so great! I LOVE THIS CLUB


Right, I love seeing everyone’s vision of the challenge.
This was a great idea for a weekly challenge.
There are a whole lot of talented folks here.


Okay, I’m a bit late, but here’s my guilty Harley anyway.

(this is why Ivy banned hammers from the house, Harley)


The TV or the coffee table is in pieces!


This is funny. I like how over it Ivy is.


@WonderWoman_85 Or both
@RainStormRiddles Pretty sure that Ivy is so used to Harley breaking things that she can’t be bothered to feel anything else :joy:


@Kelex roll 1d99

:game_die: 93

@wonderlyn I’m so sorry I’m just seeing this now! I LOVE Ivy’s exasperation only a smidge more than I love Harley’s guilty-puppy face. :rofl:

If I ever miss work, please feel free to get my attention with an @!

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@WonderWoman_85, @NovellPaladin, @MichaelLakeArt - you guys, i SUCK! Please message or @ me if I don’t respond to your art and get it added to the submissions list up top. :sweat_drops: I hate when my screwups make your art harder to find!

If you don’t mind the super late comments…

WW85, I laughed out loud at Batman’s expression, though everyone is pretty fantastic in this! Always love seeing some oil crayons/pastels make it into our community, too! They’re underrated!

Novell, I made it a point to look at people’s art before reading their descriptions (to see if I could guess what emotion they were trying to convey). I got Zatanna right, so, at least in my case, you nailed suspicious! I thought Green Arrow might be drunk, but tired works, too. :sweat_smile: One too many all nighters make me look majorly hungover, too.

Michael, really lovely capture of the movie! I’m always happy when you share your work process with us. Love the pencils as much as the inks, tbh. Anyhoo, very emotive piece! And I like how you sneaked your sig and date into the art.

Thanks to all of you again! please don’t hate me for being so bad at this


LOL Honestly, it hadn’t even crossed my mind so when I got your message I was like, “What? OMG Why? What’s wrong? What did I do!!! Oh…” :laughing:
Definitely no hate over here. Thanks for the comment! You are so right about GA btw. Didn’t even think of that


@NovellPaladin thank you!!! You guys are very patient with me :persevere:


:game_die: 20

How is the cast and emotions, I only see 9, @CynicalPink, also
@Kelex roll 1d99

:game_die: 68

Sorry, what’s up?

Which character do I have, sorry I am very confused