DC Cuts Ties With Diamond Comics

I hear ya. I said earlier in the thread I believe a lot of that boycott talk is an emotional reaction. It just doesn’t make business sense to me that a store would have to stop carrying one of the big two to offset the additional shipping costs.

It certainly seems like retailers have a lot more to lose here than DC.

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Well, there are several reasons. There’s the year wait, access to Comixology’s superior platform, and the fact that there are many, many more readers than there are DCU members.

I don’t think that digital will overtake physical anytime soon. My comment was that I was just musing and that I was wondering if it were PART of their overall publishing plan.

Musing and wondering indicate that these are thoughts, not opinions. :wink:

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Biggest problem with news media these days is that they oftentimes only want to report negative news. Its what gets the ratings and the clicks. Positive news doesn’t get them anywhere near the amount of attention as the controversial does. Honestly I’m sick of the news media at this point.


Tell me about it…and I write for a site!!!


I find a lot of people who scream “boycott” the loudest over various issues are the ones that will continue to frequent or buy whatever they are saying to boycott anyway.

I agree with you that a comic shop that drops DC is just cutting their nose off to spite their face because it may actually lose them customers. The two nearest shops to me are both 25 minutes away and in opposite directions. While I do buy titles from other companies I would also like to pick up ALL my books at one location. In my scenario I am not going to run between the two just to get all my titles. I am also not going to give either one continued business should they both drop DC.

This may be antecedential evidence but I don’t think I’d be the only customer that feels that way either.


How so?

I guarantee within a month all these stores that are boycotting DC when they see literally 50% of their business disappear because they’re not selling the product customers want will all move over, guarantee!


Especially with joker war and death metal being the biggest upcoming events in the entire comic industry. Marvel dosnt realy have any events that come close to the hype metal has.


By and large most people just aren’t a huge fan of change, even if it will be change for the better in the long run. Those who threaten boycott will just lose the customers who want those products to another location. Business isn’t about what you want to provide, it’s about what the customers want in the end.

I have to purchase almost all my physical copies online anyway, because our excuse for a comic store doesn’t really have much in the way of variety, and they like to inflate the prices above cover price. (especially on trades) This isn’t really going to change much of anything for me about how I’m doing my buying. I can really only wish for a proper comic shop to open in this area, but I’m not holding my breath.


I assure you, I already know one local retailer that has confirmed hes not carry DC anymore. I hope some of those customers end up shopping through me.


Or close up shop.

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I hear ya. My thoughts are, why would DC focus on investing more on something that makes less money. I don’t think digital will overtake print ever. I do think graphic novels will over take single issues. I think they kinda do already.

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I agree it doesn’t make sense. However, if a business isn’t making a lot of money, it doesn’t make sense to stay open & continue doing business, but they still do because they love the hobby & industry. I don’t make a lot of money. Technically I’m losing money, but I still do it because I love comics & hope that my business grows.

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exactly. They will destroy their own stores with pettiness


I saw one or 2 people on social media say they think DC leaving will probably lead to Diamond going out of business. I think it’s a real possibility. This Pandemic really affected a lot of businesses.


Interesting, I heard that a lot of people don’t like Diamond through the years and I never understood why. After reading your guys comments, I’m with you, no one should have a monoploy. I only hope that my local comic store will continue to carry DC, but it’s good to see them break away from a hungry money monster.



So many unprofessional stores though…

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If DC shifts completely to digital for the monthly issues, the audiences will follow. Manga audiences gave in and embraced digital. There’s no reason to think that fans of American comics would hold out, no matter how much they pouted about it first. In print, though, graphic novels and trades should still hold out for quite some time.


Right, I can definitely see some shops going out of business, but someone deciding to completely drop DC and just sell the other guys…that isn’t smart business. I don’t think so anyway (and I’m rooting for you to get more customers from this…that would be awesome).


I respectfully disagree. I’m very confident you’re wrong that I’d bet money on it. Do the research & look at the numbers. Think from a business perspective based on making a profit. There’s probably 3 times more people buying print than buying digital. Also, some of the people getting digital because you get a free digital copy with some of the comics when you buy them.