DC Community Roll Call: Tell Us About Yourself!

will dc universe will ever come on amazon firestick ?



Yes, Seattle is always raining! I have visited Bruce on occasions when I am there.

Lol Bruce Li, Bruce Lei… can come close!

“Bruce Lee: A Life” by Matthew Polly, I know him. He went to my teacher’s school to train and I was his training partner. He told me a lot interesting things about Bruce from ppl he interviewed.

Jeet Kune Do is indeed an art that takes time to develop skill. I’m still learning, still a student to the art.


I’m from Maine, and I first got into comics way way back as an early reader when comics for little kids (Gold Key, Harvey, etc.) were still a big part of the market. I first got into superheroes, and DC specifically, when a local station put the Adam West Batman series on in an afternoon timeslot and I’ve been a DC fan (with Batman my favorite character) ever since. For what I would recommend to someone who had never read comics, it depends on the person… for a tween, I’d happily give them a copy of Supergirl: Being Super, which I thought was an awesome YA GN. For adults, I’d probably go with something that shows more of what comics can be, rather than an intro to regular continuity… depending on the person, maybe Kingdom Come, or Denny O’Neil’s run on The Question, or to go off-brand maybe Maus or even Cerebus: High Society (or if they’re particularly weird the Neil Gaiman Punch & Judy book). I stink at dream casting, but for Batman I thought Affleck was terrific (and 10 years ago I would have loved to see David Caruso as Vic Sage / The Question, but he’s old now). My other interests… I like going on cruises every couple of years, and traveling in general, I also watch too much TV for my own good, and I still mean to go back and buy and read the full run of Cerebus. As for pineapple on pizza, it’s not my go-to but it makes for a nice change of pace sometimes.


I’m from Utah, would always watch the old Batman movies as a kid with my brother. Smallville is one of my favorite series of all time so I always recommend that. Loved Titans and DC Universe so I’ve been recruiting friends and family to join and watch it. Batman got me into comics but I’d say Green Lantern and Aquaman are my favorite superheroes and villains would be Black Manta and Darkseid. Just had a baby girl in November so that’s my life right now but I do enjoy watching soccer and basketball. Go RSL and Jazz!! My wife and I actually do enjoy :pineapple:on :pizza:. Thank you DC and DC Universe for all the great times! Excited for what’s to come in 2019!

  • From North Carolina

  • Re-runs of the Batman '66 TV series and the Christopher Reeves Superman movies got me into comics originally but the boom of cbm and tv series of late re kindled my interest.

  • I would recommend reading any comic written by Geoff Johns to someone interested in getting into comics. Also Batman: Year One, The Long Halloween, and Dark Victory.

  • along with DC comics i also am into Star Wars.



Almost forgot.

Batman, Superman, and the whole Green Lantern Corps occupy my #1 spot for superheroes.



  • Batman the animated series. My first comics for my 5th or 6th birthday were Batman Adventures #7 and two Knightfall tie-ins.

  • Batman

-Definitely depends on the tastes of the individual you’re recommending to.

Comics (superhero fans): Long Halloween, Azzarello’s Joker, Mark Millar’s Ultimates, Mark Millar’s first Kickass graphic novel, Ultimate X-Men, Bendis’ Ultimate Spiderman

Comics (non-superhero fans): Pride of Bagdad, Jinx, Preacher, Revolver by Matt Kindt.

Movies: For how a good page to screen adaptation is done, Sin City. To surprise them that the medium has limitless potential beyond superheroes I might direct them to Road To Perdition, A History Of Violence, 300, V For Vendetta, Kingsmen, Men in Black, Unbreakable, My Friend Dahmer, Surrogates.

Television: Always remind people that The Walking Dead and Chilling Adventures of Sabrina started as comics.

  • Kevin Conroy as Batman

  • journalism, history, science documentaries like Cosmos or One Strange Rock, dark philosophical science-fiction, bright futurist science-fiction, Twilight Zone, noir, discovering old movies, discovering writers in college that I otherwise wouldn’t have been exposed to, going to the gym, art and museums, and podcasts.

  • I like pineapples as a fruit but they are unacceptable on my pizza, just as boogers and flies are unwelcome. To all the pineapple pizza lovers – if you ever feel your pizza is lacking, you could always invite someone with a cold over to your table to sneeze on it and the end result would be the same! Lol.

  • I’m born and raised in NYC but lived in Louisiana most of my life.
  • Like most inner-city children, I got into comics as a means of getting away from my issues-no father etc.
  • Batman was my favorite DC character, Spider-man was my favorite Marvel character.
  • My favorite comic TV show(s) was Batman:TAS and X-men: TAS, and Justice League, I wish they’d bring that last one back.
  • To this day, I still believe Michael Keaton made the perfect Bruce Wayne/Batman.
  • My non-comic interests are music, video games, gadgets, sports to some extent, usual guy stuff.
  • I’ve had pineapple on my pizza but rather chicken and/or steak or shrimp on it lol.

I am from Virginia! Lived there for about 9 years then moved to Ohio

My dad. We’re both huge nerds and ya know, my family think we’re crazy when we quote movies and what not lol

My favorite? So many…top five are Batman, Nightwing, Starfire, Catwoman, and Red Hood

Hm, not sure, maybe the Catwoman comics or the Injustice comics. Both favorites of mine. The OG teen titans comics are good too.

Not sure, probably Camren Bicondova as Selina Kyle and David Mazouz as Young Bruce Wayne in Gotham are both really good same for Ben McKenzie as James Gordon. Lots of good casting in Gotham. Brenton Thwaites as Dick Grayson in Titans is amazing!

Well, I’m huge Theater nerd and I love playing Basketball and running Track. I love to read a lot, shout out to the ACOTAR fandom and TOG fandom.

Hard pass.


Well, I am from Syracuse, New York.
What got me into comics is slightly more complicated. In terms of the medium itself, I would have to say my dad, but as to when I started reading them regularly, it has to be the Chris Claremont run on X-men.
Difficult to say who my favorite DC character is as both my choices may have equal footing for different sides of my personality; but if I had to choose(and of course I o) I would have to say Diana Prince and Oliver Queen are my favorites, but Diana just barely inches to my favorite.
Comics are tricky to say what to recommend for people who have never read them and also what age range we’re talking about, but for the teen to adult crowd I would say Mike Grell’s: Long Bow Hunters. TV shows are a little more simple, overall I would say Young Justice as it gradually introduces more supernatural elements over time, but for people who don’t like animation, Arrow is a good bet(just stick through seasons three and four). Movies are fairly straightforward as well. For most audiences I would say watch Wonder Woman(2017) as it remains my favorite movie of all time, but those looking for slightly more realism, Batman Begins is another great choice.
Perfect casting has to be Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman, as it does bring something that I’ve wanted for any version for years; ethnicity apart from European. Why? Because I always thought that if the Amazons are from Greek and Roman times, why shouldn’t they be slightly more diverse. Although I do understand the time when Marsden created the character that it was gutsy enough to put a female as the main character, adding to that someone of slightly darker skin may have gone too far.
My other interest include: Blogging, I’m a Cinematographer, TV series of nearly any kind, autobiographies, and gift giving(I know that doesn’t sound like an interest but you should see how much time I put into gifts several months before Christmas).
Finally, no, I don’t accept pineapple on pizza. That is me for most sweet and salty combinations though, I don’t like sweet and sour chicken or anything like that either. Most of the time.


@Applejack, haha well thank you :slight_smile: I think one can be friendly and live their life a little on the dark side. I have a weird sense of humor definitely. I am warm and squishy on the inside but always tell people about my black little heart. :black_joker: You like Stephen King too?! O: That’s awesome. I’ve never met him either but that would be incredible. Maybe we should stake out his house.


Hello everyone, My name is Eli and I was born raised on the outskirts of Nairobi slums. In the late 90s when I was around 10 years old a friend of mine was raving about this man he’d seen on T.V who had superpowers and could fly. We didn’t have a T.V set so I never did follow up it, but for some reason it stuck with me. It became like that toy you wanted really bad and never got.


Im late but, I read AppleJack want to hear my music. well this is a link to one of my old songs. https://soundcloud.com/da-payper-boy/headed-to-a-mil-prod-by I have not been to the studio in awhile but I think its about time I make my way back.


I’m from California. The show that got me into DC was the Tim Burton’s Batman film and some re-runs of Batman 1966. My favorite DC character is definitely Batman if it easy to


Sorry, I posted before I finished writing, sorry. So I’ll just continue.
A show I’ll always recommend to anyone unfamiliar with DC would probably be Justice League due to its great storytelling and its exploration to the various corners of the DC universe, but it could also depend on the person. My favorite casting of Batman(my favorite character) would definitely be


I was raised in KY but now live in NC. I have always read comic books - my father would bring home all sorts of comics - Gold Key Star Trek, Dell and Whitman Disney Books and other licensed titles. Grimm’s Ghost Stories, Boris Karloff horror, etc. He liked to share DC with me, but told me later in life that he liked the Marvel era from '61-65 while he was in college. I didn’t read Marvel books
Ted Kord Blue Beetle and Buddy Baker’s Animal Man from the JLA/JLE - Giffen/DeMatteis run - and the Grant Morrison Animal Man run are my top books and characters. Modern DC - like Batwoman, Catwoman, Damien Wayne, Mr Miracle, and the Young Animal titles.
I just saw “Deadly Class” on SyFy - and it debuts on 1/16 - I also enjoyed the full run of Titans here. I shared the Elseworlds Crossover on the CW with my S/O - and she really enjoyed it.
I am not a HUGE fan of comic-book movies - BUT I thought Dina Meyer on Birds of Prey (available to stream HERE) was inspired. I also liked the cast of Human Target in its day.
I have two kids and volunteer for the Red Cross, The American Cancer Society, and our regional Zoo. I run for health and recreation. Not much of a gamer but my kids are trying to change that.
Pineapple is the PERFECT addition to pizza - it goes with spicy, it goes with savory, it’s great with just cheese - I have NEVER understood why there’s such an opposition to the 3rd greatest gift from our 50th state. (the first two being Ukulele music and Kona Coffee)


@applejack Both of my books are fiction. They are young adult, science fiction and based around teenage superheroes. I describe the series as Teen Titans in the world of Divergent. In fact, the cover of my first book is my avatar.


Hello everyone, I’m Graig. I am military so I am currently in Virginia but grew up in California. I got into comic book from the Christopher Reeve Superman movies. My dad has an uncanny resemblance to him. I thought he was Superman. So I watched the movies and read the comics to see what my dad “really” did when he went to work. With that being said my favorite character is Superman. For new readers to comic books I have always pass my copy of identity crisis along. It’s a emotional rollercoaster and shows the established world of DC well. When the off occasion comes that my brain is not on comics I enjoy taking care of my salt water aquarium. I also must say that pineapples are truly at home on pizza.


Hello I’m Jordan from Wisconsin, I got into comic books about 10 years ago when I started to watch Batman 66. My favorite comic book is Hellblazer and Matt Ryan is a fantastic John Constantine. I would tell someone who wants to get into comics to watch one of the Arrowverse shows because you can pick your favorite and still see everything that is happening in the other shows through just background knowledge. Also pineapple pizza is good


@Applejack: I wrote a lot of stuff in high school and college years ago (mainly poetry and short stories) and I dabbled in fanfiction for several years but its been a while since I’ve done any significant writing of any kind. I haven’t really had the time with RL and all. I do have an idea for a YA fantasy novel that I’ve been playing around with for a couple of years now but its been slow going though now that things seem to be settling down again I’m thinking of getting back to it.

@BWMorris: What are the titles of your novels? They sound really interesting to me and I’m always looking for books that might interest the teens in my family as well.