DC Characters in TMNT

Yes, I know about the crossovers, but in this case, I mean, what if TMNT and the current comics were a part of the DC Universe, like Mutant Town in New York City.


Cannot happen. They would easily solve all our problems killing sales.


As in they would increase sales or kill off sales?

Also, I don’t see how the sales of Comics that don’t take place in NYC would be majorly effected.

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The turtles dominantly work out of Northhampton, Massachusetts.


No they don’t. That’s their vacation home. Ever since they were introduced, the TMNT have always defended New York.

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It is where they teamed up with The Justice Force for the first time, beat up HATE, saved the merpeople, and their fifty gazillion other adventures. New York is their vacation home.


Nope. It was Mikey who did and it was in New York.


That was the 2003 cartoon and I am only using the current IDW run for this.

If you’re talking about the 2003 cartoon, then NOPE. Most took place in New York, other planets, other dimensions, or Future New York.

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It was Mikey, Donnie, and Casey (Casey paid for everything), and that was in Northhampton in an issue exclusively done by Laird.

It is one of their most beloved issues.

That was in the guest era at Northhampton.


Isn’t he retired?

I don’t really read the pre-IDW stuff, since most of it is confusing. I tired to read the Mirage run and I could follow maybe 19% of it.

Read the above.

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I think Michaelangelo would hang out with the Penguin alot at the Iceberg Lounge, since he seem to be a fan of his. :slightly_smiling_face:
Summer Gleason & April O’Neil most likely be a rival then friends trying to get the hot news story first on TV.

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Can you even imagine what a crossover between TMNT and WW wouod be like? Or even them hust trying to visit Themyscira?


There is already a good idea in that: Jennika (The newer fifth turtle) and her girlfriend Sheena visit Themyscira and something bad happens.

And April and Vicki Vale would murder each other.

Mikey IS dumb enough to hang with a gangster without knowing it.

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Ok, you are already talking WAY MORE turtle lore than I know by mentioning a new 5th turtle.

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Well then here, I’ll sum it up fast: Jennika was an ex-con who became an assassin for the Foot. After Splinter took over, she and some Shredder loyalists tried to kill him, and while he beat the crap out of the loyalists, he instead managed to recruit Jennika and after a while, she became Splinter’s second-in-command, a Chūnin. After she was stabbed through the gut by Karai, Leo and Donnie had to give her a blood transfusion, mutating her into a Turtle around the same time that Old Hob, the leader of the Mutanimals, set off a Mutagen bomb, which mutated several hundred people in New York and created Mutant Town. Also, Splinter died around the same time to separate a resurrected Oroku Saki and a god called the Dragon.
Six months later, the Turtles got back together, and began to protect Mutant Town, which led to a whole bunch of ■■■■.


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If you think THAT’s confusing, try reading the Mirage run.

Here, read this:
Jennika (IDW) | TMNTPedia | Fandom

I know some crqzy stuff is happening in the IDW series but man! Little while ago, I got the paperback trade for Vol 1 and I thought it was really damn good

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It still is! They got a fanfiction writer/fan comic maker named Sophie Campbell to do 90% of the recent series and it absolutely paid off. She is a great writer and the issues that she did the art for are amazing and creative. For example, this is how she illustrates music:

Also, most comics just go from epic storyline to epic storyline, but Sophie has plenty of storylines where instead of just doing major fight with emotional growth after major fight with emotional growth, she confronts real-world problems and character growth. For example, in the storyline the above pictures are from, Jennika has to start a band because a version of Lita (Essentially Jennika’s adopted daughter who is an albino turtle mutant) comes from the future and says the world will go to ■■■■ if she doesn’t.

However, the storyline is pretty fun and it confronts various parts of Jennika’s personality while also giving as a fun battle of the band plot between Jennika’s band (Created In Darkness) and Bebop and Rocksteady.

It gets even tougher when it’s revealed that in Future Lita’s timeline, Jennika killed Karai, who just so happens to be in the Splinter Clan medbay. This forces Jennika to confront herself and it works beautifully.

Over all, this storyline is great, but it’s not even the best one she’s come up with.

As long as their awesome version of Disneyland gets to be part of the deal, then I’m all for it.

Imagine the teen titans at this party. :joy::metal:

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I would be all in favor of it just to see Deathstroke and Shredder team up against the titans and tmnt.

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