DC Black Label

So is it dead Jim?

Hope they complete Batman:Damned

No. Why would it be?


There are tons of graphic novels getting republished as part of black label. So at least for the next year it’s still around.

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I hope they don’t censor too much because that defeats the purpose of black label!

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The fact a majority of the people made a stink about seeing Batman’s penis in Batman The Damned #1 was stupid. We as a nation treat violence as the norm but something natural like nudity and sex is the taboo thing. I don’t get it. At all.


The fact a majority of the people made a stink about seeing Batman’s penis in Batman The Damned #1 was stupid. We as a nation treat violence as the norm but something natural like nudity and sex is the taboo thing. I don’t get it. At all.

Yeah…I didn’t think lil Wayne ruined the story or anything…just a media stunt and DC folded which sucks…I like the grittier storylines


Are series being cancelled or just delayed? Part of the problem with Black Label was always going to be that creators of the caliber you’re dealing with there can’t be rushed.

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As far as I know just delayed…looking at the art in Batman Damned seems it would take longer which I’m ok with


In my opinion, Black Label was bound to bring controversy and I like controversy in the comic medium. But I know bad publicity can cause some creative changes but they should stick with their gut. Bad publicity is still publicity.

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I think part of it is that they’re not releasing these until all the issues are done, and each artist involved are known for taking their time and not exactly being monthly artists.

I just hope all those books aren’t accredited because some people couldn’t take the sight of a penis.


I wonder what the next DC Black Label story is? Probably the Frank Miller Superman story.