Dark Crisis - Preview & Discussion of DCs Major Comic Event for 2022

Thanks for finding and posting that, @KookieSuperApe. Some very interesting nuggets and teasers in there and based on this I’ve added the relevant issues of Future State and the upcoming Shadow War crossover to the reading list posted earlier.


The empty hands acalites: The justice league who laughs


We have a one shot tie-in to Dark Crisis announced! A Tribute to the Justice League | DC

Tom King and Chris Burnham on a Superman and Jon team up alternate universe one shot! Pretty exciting - reminds me a lot of the Green Lantern Darkseid War thingy King did so long ago!


Kinda feels like we’ll see at least two more of these for Batman and Wonder Woman, maybe Green Lantern and Flash ones too.


It’s important to clarify that I love the Justice league and don’t really have a problem with a new team. In fact I will say my favorite versions of the team lack the trinity or have a significant focus on the b and c list heroes.

While Dark Crisis sounds by it’s premise alone great since it focuses on dealing with legacy characters. It is until you get to the fact the future state characters will become the new Justice League that shows it’s first problems.

Except Jackson Hyde who might be the only appropriate legacy hero here (literally the only reason he’s here is because Andie is still a baby and they can’t exactly age this character up like they did with Jonathan Kent.)

It’s disappointing that this initiative is so insistent on pushing them because 1) it’s a new team of people being a disservice to the legacy characters established already 2) It’s going to hurt these new characters who we are getting to like because they are rushing their presence too soon. The new Justice League will exist for a while until the old one returns. It’s literally going to repeat Obsidian Age from the JLA. The difference might be because they all got a book that people could get a opinion about but all I could think is how it’s too soon.

My worst fear is that new Justice League team will become a term I hate using but feels appropriate in this context is a team of younger Mary Sue heroes people will be annoyed by real fast.

*Before anyone ask, I’m fully aware that technically Jonathan Kent exists as a hero everyone knows since 2016 but it’s probably obvious that since he was aged up by Bendis, he’s been practically a new character that behaves nothing like the kid we knew or even one that we saw grow into that personality like we did with other legacy heroes like Dick Grayson or Wally West. The new Johnathan Kent exists as his own character and he honestly sucks. Whether written by Tom Taylor, Bendis, or Philip Kennedy Johnson. Johnathan Kent is horribly inconsistent.


I find this new team to be the laziest “new lineup” possible. They have their biggest characters, they make them more diverse, and then they shove them into the big leagues. They don’t even try to make it not feel like replacements, which is a problem. A new younger Justice League is an interesting concept but they didn’t try to think of how to make that team feel organic. I also find it hilarious that if they do throw in Jess at some point 5/6 of these characters start their real name with the same letter.
However I do generally like these people. Jo is really good and I’ve heard great things about the Far Sector. Jackson is good and Aquamen has been fun. Jace is fine or whatever, and over in New York he’s getting better and separating himself from the weirdness of his creation (which would of course be ruined if he joined the new JLA). Yara is amazing, although Wonder Girl was rushed because they needed her to be an established character at Trial of the Amazons. I also like Jon and I love Son of Kal-El. This team lineup just feels kinda boring. Especially compared to the really weird legacy lineup the James Robinson League ended up being (Dick, Jesse, Jennie-Lynn, Donna, Kara, Congorilla and Mikaal) which is just way more interesting.


You said it perfectly.
It’s not that I as a reader can’t handle changes but I can’t help feel underwhelmed by the new lineup as well… Predictable, safe, and really boring. Justice League Detroit and Justice league international took risks and while not always successful you can’t say that the lineup wasn’t unique. Even the Obsidian Age was more interesting than this as I couldn’t imagine a magical indigenous shaman in the Justice League.

The new league are just substitutes that are superficially unique. As a Justice League fan I feel somewhat condescended by DC comics.


well reading the description of it makes me wonder why Batman does not get a moment like this about Damian. However, it would be nice to see Bruce and Clark sit down ad Bibbo’s Diner and discuss both their regrets of missing their children grow up.
there seems like there is going to be a backup for Aquaman too.


Have to agree, a successor Justice League is not exactly what I was looking for. There are so many great DC Characters and so many former Justice Leagures to build around. Though I guess in the new continuity, Jon is a member of the JL, which makes me wonder why he wasn’t there for their deaths, but maybe the story explains it.


honestly, I can’t really speculate on this as I just realized Future state had multiple possible futures in it. and this lineup also has the original Aquaman survive in the future state Justice League. however future state the immortal wonder woman, it shows clark having lived to the heat death of the universe meaning superman does not die…and wonder woman restarts the universe in that one. then you have future state Gotham which is still ongoing and has the magistrate initially win. plus DC multiverse theory has it you can only destroy 50% of the infinite multiverse because the heroes will stop the crisis. well Infinite crisis had us believe the multiverse was destroyed there was instantly a multiverse that was not destroyed with the silver and golden age hero’s still surviving. PS: I also have been awake for over 24 hours now so i am a little loopy.


That would be pretty neat!


Dc fans have been terrified of slightly modifying the JLA lineup forever for a long time. I really wish that they could throw out the big names and do a Justice League with an experimental lineup. Especially since they are superficially trying to do that, they should go all the way. Bring back Congorilla, or use Firehawk or Mr. Terrific or Blue Beetle or someone who isn’t just “the founding members, but minorities”.


She needs to be used more


I’m not so sure that a new Justice League starring the legacy heroes is a thing. Watch this interview with Joshua Williamson. He repeatedly says “There is no Justice League”. Also says that some of the solicits are misleading on purpose. Even says he doesn’t consider Jace, Yara, and Jon a new Trinity. Probably best to go into the event with less pre-conceived notions.


To Joshua Williamson, I say:



I am almost 100% sure that after Dark Crisis ends we will have a Justice League title, and I’m like, 70% sure it will be written by Joshua Williamson


Agreed 100%. Lot of conjecture in here but we’ll see what actuall happens when the books get published. I can’t wait to find out how it all plays out.


I’m expecting that new flash from his Future State book to show up sometime during that new Justice league series as it would be likely be written by Joshua Williamson and he would want to include them to reveal what dark conspiracy this particular flash came to prevent

They are also featured poster center in that upcoming Teen Justice series and it would be pretty obvious to assume one of the reasons they made this series was to tie-in with Joshua Williamson Justice League and make sure you didn’t forget they exist.

A shame because I was rooting for Bolt since day one to become the new flash of the future.


Well the new Flash WILL need a Kid Flash sidekick~


Good Point.