Dan DiDio out at DC

Dan has had an incredible career at dc, filled with more ups and downs than a new six flags ride . Dan has had ideas that were launched while he was at the helm that brought new fans to the comic shops, but he also responsible for ideas that sent long time fans out of the hobby of comic collecting.

That being said, he loved the company and he always seemed to engage the fans with a larger than life love for the characters of DC (super boy and nitewing not included). Dan will be missed, but some of his decisions he has made recently needs to be forgotten. Putting nitewing threw that Ric Grayson phase was awful, Bendis and his utter destruction of superman and the superman family, including the legion of superheros, again Dan thought hey lets try that. Come on Dan! I have been collecting DC comics since John Byrne’s man of steel came out and this is the first time in my comic collecting that i am not rushing out to the shops to pick up the newest issues! Rebirth was the start of good classic stories with new readers starting to ask about lore behind the villains that were viewed with found memories from family that collected in the past and sparked interest with newer readers.

I enjoy giving scooby doo team up comics as a prize at work for good behavior instead of candy, and found elementary kids asking 20 questions over heroes and villains that they never heard of. One student , after reading the scooby doo team up with plasticman in it, and hearing my tales of plasticman then asked if he had a comic book or if they sell t shirts or backpacks with him on it and all i could say was if i see some items ill let him and his parent know.Dan seemed fixated on the dozen or so that were a constant grab on the comic rack, and every once in a while gets nostalgic and pulls a older hero for a quirky limited series. Dan a good writer will make any hero interesting, but it will take time for a book to find its voice and more than 4 issues to get a buzz going about the series
Dan never seemed to think of that, Dan kept thinking about what new story could change the DC universe or how to change a character that has not been used well or not in a while and make them modern and or relevant. With WB trying to have the DC brand through all levels of media, Dan decided to to change every top tier hero! G5 is a bad idea. Better stories are needed not gimmicks and
diverse heroes with their own merit not swiping the rich history that the original characters have earned.

Dan was not perfect, but your heart was in the right place and because of that you will always deserve the firm handshake and a thanks from everyone that reads DC, but as a fan i could not agree with the changes that are coming and i hope they can be halted before it becomes printed.


Fun Fact: DC’s social justice slant goes back even earlier than Dan’s time at DC…


Yeah, we’ve always had some pretty powerful people in DC. But let’s not make this into something political please.


I believe this marks the beginning of the end for DC Comics as we know it. Dan DiDio was the glue holding the company together, and now with him gone and the 5G plans in shambles, I think it is very likely DC Comics will cease to exist in its present state. AT&T will either sell the whole shebang to another company or, more likely, liscence out the characters to smaller publishing companies and just collect a paycheck.

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I wouldn’t mind if they stopped publishing new comics for a year. Take time to get their future in order and come back with a clear plan. That being said, I’d hope they’d keep releasing collected editions in the meantime


Does that mean it would be two years before we got new comics on this app?

Down vote!


This feels like a big exaggeration. Didio may’ve been a nice guy with a couple ideas that weren’t mind-bogglingly stupid or terrible, but “the glue” of the publisher sounds overly generous. Especially given how much effort he put into screwing over character he personally didn’t like. I’m not sure where the “5G in shambles” thing comes from, and selling or licensing the characters out seems like quite a stretch, just because Dan left for whatever reason.

Maybe we should but the brakes on the doomsday scenarios, yeah?


But Ethan VanSciver said!


I think we all have to exercise some common sense, here. DC comics is not shutting down. And again, look at the “source” of this wild speculation.


Ah, but you forget that a bunch of evil telecom executives are going to take time out of their busy schedules to shut down a profit center and source of valuable IP for one of their subsidiaries because it’s only the second-largest company in its industry. Then they’ll kick some puppies, lace their fingers together, and laugh maniacally about how all is going according to plan.


I just checked another thread that hasn’t seen activity in quite some time, because I was reminded my first post in it.

Funny how things turn out, huh?
Now for the rest of the list!

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I spit my water out when reading this; that’s how hard I was laughing lol


I think it’s completely natural for people to speculate when something like this happens. It’s naïve to think AT&T wouldn’t radically restructure things. They’re a company focused on maximizing profit. DC is profitable enough presently that a complete shutdown is very unrealistic, but if they proceed with 5G and it has a negative impact on sales I could see AT&T opting for something like direct to digital distribution. That would not be awesome.


And Warner Brothers isn’t focused on maximizing profit? DC Comics is a very small part of even their operations. If DC is restructured, it probably isn’t going to come all the way down from AT&T, so in part I balk at the alarmism of waving around AT&T’s name like some kind of boogieman. And WB has been running DC long enough to know that shutting them down would be shooting themselves in the foot given DC’s disproportionate importance to other, more profitable operations. That’s the reason they own DC in the first place.

Barring a shutdown, I would hope DC isn’t at the point of trying to save their way to the number yet, but I support their doing what they need to in order to stay profitable. It seems like their first thought for the moment is trying a change of management, which seems reasonable to me.


John Stankey is the current CEO of WarnerMedia AND the current President AND COO of AT&T. So it doesn’t have to come all the way from anywhere. AT&T is running Warner in a very intimate way. They’re handsy too.

Worse, you have just one guy running the show. I think having a telecom guy in charge of an entertainment company is what is worrisome. He has no experience in entertainment beyond merging with Direct TV. All of a sudden he’s calling the shots at Warner Bros. Makes me uncomfortable.

Guess we’ll see.


I really hope that any DC Comics shakeup doesn’t affect DC Universe. This app has been incredibly helpful for lots of fans and it would negatively affect the public’s opinions about DC. The only way DC Universe should be closed is if HBO Max incorporated everything DC Universe has: comics, exclusives, community, etc. Hopefully at a lower price for those who had DC Universe subscriptions.


I agree. This whole thing has really got me bummed. I love it here and I love comics. I could see the decision to go completely digital being made. Diamond is way too greedy and monopolizes distribution. AT&T is not the kind of company that handles feeling forced to do business with anyone. You don’t become a top ten Fortune 500 by playing nice with others. Interestingly the CEO also sits on the board at UPS.

Going digital would save a fortune and maintain current price per issue. Again, speculation.


@Mr_Morbach Completely agree with everything you just said. You can’t e the glue when you’re actively trying to destroy legacy characters which are the future of DC. There’s no indication 5G is in shambles as these things are planed out MONTHS maybe even a year in advance. And people need to chill with all the AT&T doomsday talk. And since when did AT&T buy DC? Pretty sure it’s owned by Warner Bros???

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AT&T owns Warner and they put one of their chief officers in charge. I assure you I’m not being doomy. If that’s what I’m communicating then I need to attend public speaking again. At no point have I said DC will shut down. I’d imagine it’s going to experience some growing pains if 5G fails though.


@Kon-El Not you.
And when did this happen???

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