Crisis On Infinite Earths viewership number

What is the highest number of viewers you think Crisis will get per episode. With all the confirmed cameos I would except it to be higher than last years Crossover which got around 2 to 3 million viewers.

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Eh, fifty, maybe sixty.

Are we talking reality-- or the ceiling-heavy Nielsen numbers? Nielson probably won’t top 2.2 million, but it could go as high as 3.3. I’m willing to be surprised. Awareness of the CW isn’t the best-- so 8 million on average is likely reality, that number including same day DVR, and another 4 million on the app.


I think most people will watch it recorded off they’re dvr. I know i am. I might watch one of them live if i get home early enough.

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I think Nielsen will be 2.5 million.

The really interesting thing is that this will be the first crossover people won’t be able to watch on Netflix, since the Batwoman episode won’t be on Netflix. WB knows that about 1/3rd of its real eyeballs come from streaming.

CW has been pushing their app much harder this year. So from a Nielsen standpoint I wonder if the numbers will be down, but I’d love to know the CW app numbers for it.