Community Office Hours--Ask Jitsu Your Questions Every Tuesday Night!

Ahoy! It’s good to be back in the Office of Justice. I hope you’re having a great week thus far!

My question this week is about the new DC offices. You dropped all of those awesome pictures, showed us that great pinball machine, and gave some quick details… but it’s been a few weeks now. Have you found anything deeper or cooler in that time since?

Have you found the Shakespearean bust that opens up the secret bookcase to the Jim Lee Cave? Have you visited the famous water tower that entombed the Warner brothers and their Warner sister? Have you started sending the Office Manager of Justice for commissary coffee instead of brewing your own?

We need deets!


Yeah, I probably should have come attcha’ with something a bit lighter. Still, if HCQ picks up on it, it’ll be interesting to see what he comes up with. So let me leave you guys with an interesting piece of JSA/JLA trivia.

I was recently looking over Thunderbolt appearances in the modern DCU. I came across an interesting visual I first noted as a kid, but had long since forgotten. But I believe that Justice League of America #37 (vol 1), contains the first solo cover appearance of the Justice Society on a comic book cover, since the Golden Age. The last being on All-Star Comics #57, before the title changed to All-Star Western.

Well, that’s it for me. Y’all have a great night!


Love the lore drops you bring to the table! Have a great night as well, friend!


Heyoo, likewise!

Ooo good question! They’ve added a few neat statues and figures around the office, so I’ll do a sweep tomorrow when I’m in, and will post pics for ya!

I’ve also been meaning to visit The Lot…I’ve heard there are some pretty fantastic finds there. Once I do, I’ll be sure to let ya know!!


The short answer is “Never, ever ask a comic book character their age.” The long answer is very complicated.


No doubt! :slightly_smiling_face:


Please have the Office Manager of Justice take lots of pictures. We want to see you experiencing it all!


Kind of reminds me of DS9 episode where Odo, Bashir and O’Brien see a Klingon without a bumpy forehead and ask Worf about it,
And Worf said,“Yes they’re Klingon, it’s a long story and we don’t discuss this with outsiders.” :laughing:


How true, how true! And that was, maybe the best crossover episode of the entire franchise. Since the original Trek story (as written) was never intended for any revisionist insertions from later years. Let alone another Star Trek series! Considering how exceptionally well done that was back then, only adds to one’s enjoyment of that landmark Tribbles adventure! Ahh, those were the days!


Hello @Jitsu :batman_hv_1:,
It’s your friendly neighborhood Reaganfan78, now here’s a fun questions for you. Hope you’re a fan of Legos, if not you don’t have to answer them. :grinning:

  1. Which DC Lego product is your favorite?

  2. Which DC character that hasn’t been made into a lego you hope they make?

  3. Which DC Lego videogame is your favorite?

  4. Which Lego movies is your favorite?

Have a great day. :grinning: :notes:Everything is awesome!:notes:


Found out a little while ago, that Winnie the Pooh recently dropped into the public domain. Someone quickly picked up on that, and threw together a WTP horror movie. Along the lines of Friday the 13th, or Halloween, from what I’ve gathered. DC has first hand experience with this kind of thing. Although not to this extreme.

First, their lawyers lost title usage of the name Captain Marvel. Then abandoning it altogether over time, to their main competition. In the next decade or so, both DC and Marvel will face potential losses, when many of their properties lose their legal standing. Both companies are now parts of much bigger conglomerates. I doubt they’ll give up such ca$h cow$ easily. Which hasn’t in the past, nor should it in the future, preclude more crossover material, if viewed as financially beneficial, to both.

So, I’m just wondering what the community thinks of copyright loss, and freelance usage of popular characters? It did happen to Sherlock Holmes after all, for better or worse.


Hey J,

Copying my question over here to you, since I’m not sure if this is a technical error, or perhaps something more serious that the Content Team needs to be made aware of:


The main reasons I got HBO Max in the first place were Harley Quinn and Doom Patrol. We know Harley’s safe, but if HBO Max were to no longer air Doom Patrol, could it conceivably get picked up by another service, like Netflix or Hulu? I was so hoping to see at least two seasons where the group was full fledged superheroes. Thus far, the show has felt like one long origin story.


If you could revive one dc tv show that only lasted 1 season, what would it be?


Hello there!!

Let’s get into it!

If we’re talking about physical products here, I think any of the iterations of the LEGO Batmobile are just so wonderful. Particularly the latest version from The Batman film…it just evokes a sense of childhood happiness that I think is why LEGO exists.

I think a LEGO Sandman would be adorable and awesome…imagine a teeny little Sandman LEGO helm!

I admittedly haven’t played many of the LEGO games…I think the last one I did play was LEGO Lord of the Rings, and it was SO fun. Maybe I’ll give the DC titles a shot!

The original LEGO Movie was sooooo good. What about you, which is your favorite??


Thanks for flagging this! I’m not sure what the details are regarding the digital release, but I’ve sent this question to my team, so hopefully I’ll have more info soon. I’ll respond to this post once I get some context!


Great question!

I’ll start by saying that I don’t work for or represent HBO Max. They have specific key performance indicators, which they use to determine the success of shows, and I’m sure maaaaany conversations and meetings take place behind the scenes about all of that.

So, to answer your question, I think perhaps! My understanding is that if/when shows are dropped by a streaming platform, other services could potentially pick it up if they see it as a worthwhile investment. Again, I really don’t have any insight into the TV/film world (at least as far as these big decisions go), so I can’t give you a solid answer. But in theory, I think it’s possible!


Fingers, toes and eyes crossed!


Honestly, from what little I watched of the Swamp Thing show from a few years back, I really liked it. It was creepy, kept some great storylines, and the production quality was solid…whaddaya think @Alec.Holland??


If that did happen, Tone Loc should do a theme song for it!