[CLOSED] Stump...THE QUESTION! Celebrate 52 Editions of ASK...THE QUESTION By Asking Your Hardest DC Mysteries!

I have pondered this for several years now. I must know what people think.


What single issue has sold the most copies?


Why doesn’t doctor fate have a show yet we’ve seen a lot of Easter eggs for him


Hey Mr. Boss HubCityQuestion.

I have a couple of issues / comments/ questions, what ever fits; for you to pick apart.

The Flash has been responsible for Flashpoint and some other time travel related issues, So what is the deal with Booster Gold? How come Booster travels in time and there is no big dramatic disaster that spans the multiverse and etc. More over, how come Rip Hunter didn’t get more involved at any point in any story to stop The Flash or Booster Gold from screwing things up. At least a cameo to give a foreboding warning. Granted Booster Gold screws things up from the word go, and then instantly starts to work on fixing the issue , but it doesn’t get to the level of what Flash did. Yet I don’t see Booster Gold as the upper level super hero as Flash is, and I look at Booster Gold as just a screw up even on his best of days. That being said a side bar question, since Booster Gold is noted as having stolen his tech and is mainly out for his own self interest , why hasn’t anyone told Booster Gold, thanks but no thanks, you need to stop what your doing, go home, and leave all this tech to someone like Rip Hunter or The Creeper. Or maybe even Scooby Doo. Infact I would rather trust Scooby Doo with Booster Golds tech than leaving it to Booster Gold.


Besides yourself, which DC character would be the best to hold a weekly column answering fan questions and why?


The iconic Batman’66 batmobile 1st iteration was based on the Italian designed and built Ford Futura concept car. The other 3 were built off a different chassis. Who was the manufacturer and what was the chassis?

Bonus points for how much money was paid to Ford for the Futura concept car.


Hi HCQ! Long time editor, first time caller. Excited to Ask the Question!

Firestorm’s costume initially featured puffy sleeves from roughly 1978 until he merged with a Fire Elemental in 1989’s Firestorm: The Nuclear Man #85. He eventually went back to his old look and costume, but sans puffy sleeves. My question is this: who do you think told him he looked like a background dancer from the Pirates of Penzance and convinced him to drop the puffy sleeves? The Professor? Someone from the JLA?


Given the timing, I imagine he and Black Canary got a look at each other and realized that they’d both made a mistake.


And that’s 52 questions! I’m putting the cutoff here. Thank you all for participating in this milestone! If you have any other burning questions, please drop me a line in the regular thread for my weekly column!