Clawing Her Way to the Top: Tini Howard Discusses the All-New Catwoman

No, I think you are over thinking it

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ya i agree it is crazy to even for comics. but i just had to share after i came up with it.

we will have to wait and see how it goes on from now.


Our constant refrain! We must wait to read the comic! :slight_smile:


Dear Internet
Issue 47: The road has been long and perilous. With each issue a growing disdain for a character I once loved. What treacherous roads lie ahead of this run I ponder to myself with each turning of the page. As much as it pains me to keep going I said I’d see this thing through, at the very least to see Valmont kick the bucket as that seems to be the only light at the end of this long, boring, nonsensical tunnel.


I still love Selina. Just not Howard Selina.


Anyone know how long her run is supposed to be?


No hint at her leaving. They’ve continued with the incentive covers, and those are selling unusually well according to my comic shop guy.


Hmm, going by solicit for 51, I think Valmont hopefully is badly injured and in the hospital after 48 then will be killed in 50 for selina’s frame up. (i may have gotten lucky and gotten in well they were doing a test thing)

Valmont bounced several times when they hit the ground. the black things i circled are from them skipping across the ground.


Yeah. I really do try to like her stuff but I don’t I ever can. Her ideas are interesting and kinda cool, the artists she gets are also cool, but her writing is so bland to me personally. Honestly she makes me appreciate Tamaki more.


“I promise I won’t kill anymore”
Casually pushes guy out of plane without a parachute


That last issue played out how I thought it would. Always knew there’d be a moment she had to choose.

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I think it’s a fakeout/trick.

Or maybe that’s just me expecting the worst at this point in the run.

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:thinking: I am inclined to think Valmont had been manipulating Selina from 39.


But of course! He’s a villain!


If Valemont is really dead I’m not too sad about it. Still I would like to have Valmont meet Ghostmaker as besides sharing a similar aesthetic.

I would imagine both would have a interesting conversation on the kind of people they might be interested in. :wink:


Valemont likes Catwoman but their is no way Valemont written by Tini Howard he is also bisexual, and Ghostmaker has been confirmed one, with an implied attraction toward Bruce in Batman: The knight.

I’m just thinking they might have plenty to “talk about” if they met :rofl:.


I noticed something interesting about 50’s Blackgate visit after taking into account this in 49 because the bold text is not where it should be. I am fairly sure these visits are recorded, and it was established in the Joker Punchline Backups the royal flush gang does run Blackgate.

Sorry, my handwriting is not the most legible. I am also if anything overestimating Tini and would rather do that than underestimate her. And I hate just leaving something as ‘Bad Writing’.

I truly believe that Tini Howard would subject Bruce to a body cavity search, and that would explain why he was buttering up his suit jacket at the start of the visit. my hope is the entire events with vamont was a act (in the series). i also think Catwoman 48 was from Valmont’s POV given there are a massive number of references to his tattoo’s and the 'rooftop moment is too, given there are a lot of references to his tattoo’s in that.

Then there is the Preview of Punchline the Gotham Game 3: Preview: Punchline: The Gotham Game #3 (of 6) - Graphic Policy sorry it’s not a high res scan but its the highest I could find easily.