[Characters of DC]Month Five: A Round of Robins [March 2020]

That panel where Batman is muttering “Good Soldier. Good Soldier” makes me think of the memorial in the Batcave to Jason, which calls him a “Good Soldier”. I have to wonder if he was thinking of Jason on some level there.


I get it now. Thanks.

So I have to say I think the relationship between Bruce and carrie is very much father daughter which may be obvious but its deeper than that when you incorporate the art. Most of the time in DKR when carrie and bruce are airborne he is posed in a protective way and even sometimes quite literally holding her like a child. This illustrates the true danger of the batman and Robin bond and it’s all the more potent by how desperate bruce is to prove to himself that he can still fight his war even if it means risking a young life. If they have the fortitude to withstand bruce they have a good chance or withstanding gotham


All Star Comics 58 Robin

Well, maybe you wouldn’t be the ex-Boy Wonder if you hadn’t insisted on such a hideous getup.

  1. Stephanie Brown is my favorite character of all time, and her time as Robin is a big part of that.
  2. She absolutely made a good Robin. If Bruce hadn’t been so terrified of losing her like Jason, and hadn’t been so messed up from Tim quitting, she could have made one of the greats.
  3. Batman ABSOLUTELY needs a Robin. It’s part of his creation of a new family as healing from the loss of his parents. Without Robin, he’s just less lethal Punisher.
  4. It would obviously be Steph. :slight_smile:

Really excellent post! Steph as Robin was something new and interesting, and it’s such a shame that DC didn’t figure that out until much, much later.

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Yeah the costume isn’t that great but I suppose it could be worse.

@millernumber1: Good to see you back. I agree about Steph. She’s awesome.

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Thanks! The forums are so much cooler now!

I just read the World’s Finest issue…boy, I love Kevin Maguire’s artwork.

It was decent enough, but it’s kinda hard to make a strong judgment on one issue. I would have liked to have seen more of this pre-Huntress period explored.

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The only bits of Helena’s time as Robin mostly dealt with the immediate aftermath of her arrival on the main N52 Earth and it’s told in flashbacks across several of the Worlds’ Finest issues. There is a bit of it also in Earth 2’s first issue.

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Thanks! I’m sorry I haven’t been able to post more regularly, but hopefully that’ll change soon.