Character power Rankings (not by power but general popularity)

Hey All
As a sports guy too, i have been thinking a lot about the Power Rankings and am surprised CBR or Newsarama doesn’t do this, so here i am now ranking the October top 20 heroes based on the comics/culture/movies/tv

1: Spiderman: Lot’s of talk about spiderverse and the upcoming video games
2: Batman: Batman memes, Metal comics, upcoming movie
3: Green Lantern: Catch all, but essentially the heat of the HBO show
4: Wonder Woman: Lots of movie news and Future State news
5 : Black Panther: Riding off the film and the untimely demise of Chadwick Boseman
6 : Swamp Thing: Great CW debut
7: Doctor Strange: Lots of news about Dr Strange
8: Sandman: Netflix filming has started
9: BOYS: Probably higher than this, if ignoring long term cultural interest
10: Black Adam: Still riding off of the Fandome, and recent announcements

Please comment. I want to do a healthy debate/find the reality

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