Cant Marvel And DC Fans Just Get Along And Like Both?

I definitely consider myself way more of a “DC Guy” but let me tell you, any comic book company who gave the world Spider-Man and She-Hulk is a company I could never even begin to hate.

I like DC more.

I like both sides. But nowadays, marvel fans tend to start pointless fights when someone prefers dc. Like I said I enjoy both, but I personally like dc heroes more than marvel. Batman is my number one, and dare devil is my number 2. Both sides should just come together. They both have great heroes, movies, comics etc.


I am for sure a DC Loyalist, but Frank Castle is one of my absolute favorites!
…granted Lex did pull him on over into the DC world for a hot second.
But Marvel has its own kinda fun too!
While I will forever choose DC fun over Marvel, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with enjoying both!


I love’em both…and i :heart: Squirrel Girl​:chestnut::chipmunk:


You’ll often catch me riding the bus, reading The Flash while wearing my Wakanda shirt. Or reading Jessica Jones while rocking a Wonder Woman shirt proudly. No rules saying you can’t be a fan of both. Just love what you love!


How old are these people??? Marvel vs DC, really? How many cross-over they had together? Don’t get me wrong, it’s fun to think what if Batman fought Black Panther and stuff, but c’mon guy, you can like both. It’s not going to hurt you


Personally I like both and see nothing wrong with that. I tend to stay away from the whole DC vs Marvel thing because it’s nonsense. I happen to like comics from a lot of different companies.

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Humans are discerning creatures. They always have to find a difference and take a preference. As long as there is a Marvel and a DC, there will always be people at odds.

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Marvel vs DC, PlayStation vs Xbox, Pepsi vs Coke, etc. Many people tend to pick a side and fanatically defend it and end up missing out on good stuff because they aren’t open minded and flexible to walk the middle ground and see what the other side has to offer. Likewise, they may defend bad products and ideas merely because it is from their side instead of admitting it’s bad and finding a way to offer constructive criticism to change or improve it. This type of toxic fandom can hurt fan communities and give a bad name to them.

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I love comics, marvel, Dc, darkhorse, image, vertigo, idw, etc. My love of the art form outweighs the difference between companies, Just tell a good story, and I will enjoy it. Plus getting indignant on the internet about crap that doesn’t matter leaves less time to enjoy life. I’d rather be reading comics.

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I don’t begrudge Marvel fans. I just personally don’t have the mental bandwidth to accommodate both universes.


My son says he’s a Marvel fan, because he likes the movies. He asked me why I like DC. I said “Three main reasons, can you guess?” My daughter, who was listening in, intervened right away, “I know daddy, Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman!” Very true. Through those three, the world of DC was opened up to me and I’ve been exploring it for some time now.

I’ve watched every single Marvel movie and have liked more than half of them. I think what they did building up a connected universe is great and give them props for it. Similar to what @HubCityQuestion said though, I just don’t have the time, capacity, or income to dig any deeper with Marvel. The movies are enough for me.

As for fan toxicity, I think it goes both ways. DC fans can be just as toxic. That type of fan exists in almost every fandom. Check other forums. There’s good debates, but there’s also name calling and the whole “true fan that understands DC” arguments, putting down other folks just because they like something. I just steer clear of the toxicity. No need to feed it or acknowledge it.


I like both, nothing wrong with that. I like DC better, but that’s just my personal preference.

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My son likes Marvel better too, we co-exist just fine. :joy:

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Nooooo… you need to teach your kid right from wrong! Can’t have him joining the other side.

Joking. Good for your son; least he’s into superheroes :slightly_smiling_face:

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I grew up with both but was more into the marvel side when I was younger. Now, I’m more into the DC side. I just like them both. You get to enjoy both worlds and that’s a flex. It’s just the mcu fans and dceu fans that ruin it cuz they think they know better.

I like both.

At DC, I tend to be more into the teams, like Titans, Legion, Doom Patrol, Omega Men, Outsiders, Infinity Inc and JLI.

At Marvel, I tend to be more into individuals, like Dr. Strange, Moon Knight, Iron Fist, Luke Cage, Spider-Woman I… However, I really do like the pre-'90s Defenders and the Sienkiewicz era New Mutants.

I also think Marvel’s Micronauts and DC’s Atari Force were both some of the best space hero comics of the '80s, alongside Dreadstar.

Then there’s the New Gods really being the New Asgardians…


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I just read comics I like. Sometimes it’s from Marvel, sometimes it’s from DC, sometimes it’s from Image.