Calling All Young Justice Phantoms Fans! Arc 4 Kicks off on March 31!

Last chance to ask questions! The cut off is tomorrow, March 16th!


Did you always know the title for Season 4 would be “Phantoms” from the very beginning or did you come up with it afterwards or in the midst of working on the season?


I doubt my question will get answered but here goes. First off, thank you for finally putting the OG Team back in the forefront. Now my question, has there been a scene or moment in the new season where you’ve been afraid to lose fans because of pushing the violence over the envelope?


Hey Greg just wanted to know will we see a figure line of this series and how long did it take for this show to get complete


Hi Greg and Brandon, been loving season 4 so far! I’m wondering, how far ahead do you plan seasons and arcs, did you know where characters were going to go in season 4 while making season 3?


Hey Greg and Brandon! What happened to the plot line with Dick Grayson wanting to help set Tim up as a leader back in Season 2? I felt that was just kind if dropped which is unfortunate because Tim doesn’t get a lot of representation outside the comics even though he’s the first Robin to update the costume and have his own series!

And with Jason being revealed to be alive, now would be a great time to see how the affects of Jason’s death on the Batfamily. We only got a glimpse of Tim looking up at Jason’s memorial, but that could definitely be expanded upon!

Will we get some more good representation of Tim Drake anytime soon?


Is there any chance that Damian Wayne will appear in the show in the future?


Does Tim Drake get to shine in 4B?


Hey I was wondering I know I know this might be a long one but please please read it since you brought blue Devil in Will there ever be a chance to bring kid Devil or red devil like for instance blue Devil can have an episode of where he talks to kid devil and that kid devil wants to be part of this team that Blue Devil is a part of because he wants to be close to his favorite superhero and become one officially like he could either start off in a devil outfit and later on get demonic abilities since They already have demonic characters or just star him off completely as a demonic character either way I think he would be amazing in young justice and a way to gain Popularity and he hasn’t been in anything for so long please I want to see kid devil or red devil in more shows and games this could be an uprising for him


Welcome to the community @OSNephalem!

I agree that Kid Devil would be a great addition to the Young Justice cast, he hasn’t been in much lately and he would be great to see!


Hello to both of you!

I’m always interested to see how you’ll change and reinterpret characters and events from the comics. When choosing to bring a character in, what is your process in deciding what should stay and what should change? Outside of a specific character who I know you’ve mentioned a few times on twitter and Ask Greg re: their sexuality, have you gotten any pushback from DC with your reinterpretations?


Welcome to the community @daivon.ray11499.85283, @joshuawright736.75496, @awesome68901, @tonypiccirillo89, @Hrizzy, and @OSNephalem, and welcome back to the community @galdeene2! Thank you all for submitting such great questions - I am super excited to see this Q&A kick off soon. :partying_face:

Please don’t hesitate to let the moderator team know if you need anything! :muscle:


When are we getting Wally back?


HELLO you two!!

I was wondering are going to see more Batfamily? Maybe some more Jason’s back story? THANKS!!


Hello Mr. Vietti and Mr. Weisman!

I dont think my question shall be answered. But i was curious, Are we going to see Bart Allen and Eduardo Dorado Jr as hopefully a couple?!

Finger :crossed_fingers: they do become one!!!

Thank you for your time! Have a great year!!!


Hello creators,
If you had to name someone the main character of the show, who would it be? I know there isn’t really a main character but who would you say is the closest to being one.


Beast Boy has a very interesting side story in Phantoms. How will his depression/pill addiction affect the team’s story throughout the rest of the season?


Removed by author.


Like this one from Hawk & Dove Annual #1?

Regarding the post above about child. Sorry…,it wouldn’t give me a reply button to connect them. Nvr hppnd b4?


In the comics Child was a Lord of Chaos who looked like a boy and fought Amethyst and Hawk and Dove. He also created Flaw.

Sorry I just saw this thread.