"Birds of Prey (And The Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn)" First Trailer - Thoughts and Reactions

I like the trailer if it was a Harley Quinn movie. I think Margot Robbie is a great Harley. I do have a problem with Oracle not being in it. Babs is one of my favorite characters, and it sucks she isn’t it it. Also, why aren’t other characters shown in the trailer? This is a Birds of Prey film, not a Harley Quinn one


It was meh for me. Might as well call it the Harley Quinn movie. And I feel like they ain’t gonna show love to mary Elizabeth winstead as huntress or black canary there just gonna focus on Harley Quinn… but hey who knows

I’m going to pass on it like I knew I would



I can promise that every one of those fans on this thread who are complaining about this trailer have praised DC’s work on other threads. Having taste and expecting better from WB/DC doesn’t make us “lousy fans.”


Love it. Would love Batgirl in it but I’m sick of fan boys griping that she’s not in it like it’s new news. It’s been almost two years since we found out. I’m excited and love to see all the females take over.


Although I do plan on seeing B.O.P. this trailer looks meh when I was expecting this to Wow! me, especially when the new characters are barely shown. Maybe the next trailer will do better.

@Foodini, by “lousy fans” and bringing up Disney +, I’m assuming you’re a fanboy for just DC and want other fans to be like that too.

I love DC but not going to be excited and super supportive of every single DC related thing. I like Black Mask a lot but I’ve never been into the Birds of Prey much and especially Harley Quinn, who is cool and all but I just find overrated and she shouldn’t be a major part of a BOP film anyway. The film itself just doesn’t interest me anyway


I was whelmed. As I stated in a previous thread this film should be titled HQ with the BOP.

In the end it really doesn’t matter what it’s called. Robbie as HQ will put butts in seats.

It’s certainly not canonical. But, the general movie going public couldn’t likely name the members of the conical BOP. So at least we are finally getting Huntress and BC into the public consciousness. That makes the movie worth it.

Am I disappointed that it’s not canonical, sure. But, the Joker movie is non canonical and I’m not thrilled about that either. However, plenty of people are.


I can’t wait Harley finally getting her hyenas!!


Casuals and certain fans will flock to see this at the theater…whoopie! Let’s see how it does with critics and other fans. Opening weekend at the box office may be decent but what about after week 2 and dvd rentals/sales?


Good: The hyenas! Will they be the traditional Bud and Lou or Lucy and Ethel like the recent incarnations from DC Superhero Girls?

Bad: I’m not too familiar with the Birds of Prey, but for their debut movie, it looks like it features more of Harley than them. A Gotham Sirens movie would have been a better choice for something so Harley centric.


Trailer did not work for me, but I am still planning on seeing the movie. I just hope any future trailer does a better job.

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My POV is that this trailer is purposely Harley-centric while the second one and beyond will focus on the other characters.

Harley was the best received part of Suicide Squad, so it makes sense for her to be front and center for the first full trailer. Especially if this trailer plays with Joker.


Maybe the movie will be fun, but the trailer for the animated HQ was much more enticing IMO.

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I want to go there…

This trailer reminds me of the Catwoman movie in a way. I remember when that trailer hit, there were comic fans saying “this doesnt look like the Catwoman I know and love, with is this?” Meanwhile, all the movie trade magazines and anywhere there was movie talk were saying “Halle Berry is amazing, give it a chance” and we saw how that turned out.

Doom and Gloom projections aside, all my problems with this are from a comic fan perspective. As for a trailer for a film, idk, not really impressed. Ronnie’s accent seems kind of hammy and overdone, this movie seems poised to confront “the patriarchy” and that whole line about Harlequins being slaves and people only caring about the master is so heavy handed its just eyeroll inducing.

Cass? No. Just no. Cass is a mute ninja. Dont fix what isnt broken. Maybe this was to kind of differentiate her from X-23 in Logan or something, but nothing interesting about the original character has been retained. Shes seems to be there for Harley to spout exposition at. Classic sidekick plot functionally.

The action and violence looks good. I really like the sets…

As for the “Why not Gotham City Sirens? That’s Harleys gang!” Kind of, but not really. “Gotham City Sirens” is the comic title, not a “gang name”. Its all semantics of course, but they dont call themselves that and neither do any of the other characters. However, “Birds of Prey” does eventually become the moniker (though it also started as a comic title only) for the team in that book. So, Idk, I guess I just dont see why they included that title. If its name recognition, it would help if the movie represented the comic in some sort of recognizable way.

“Catwoman and Poison Ivy are just as known as Huntress and Black Canary, if not more” I’m paraphrasing there, but that is exactly why they are not in this movie. WB isnt willing to sacrifice those characters for a Margot Robbie passion project, same with Batgirl. I think we’ll get Ivy and Selina in the Reeves/Pattinson Batman movies, Batgirl will be unconnected to anything, and DCEU will become the “Robbie-verse”, a place where all characters are molded to fit whatever plot serves Harley Quinn best.

As for being disrespectful to the characters, they’re fictional, they cant really be disrespected. But it sure seems disrespectful to the fans of Birds of Prey, Gotham City Sirens, Barbara Gordon, and all DC characters involved not named “Harley Quinn”.

This trailer makes it seem like the film has no solid tone or mood. Is this a comedy, a drama, an action film? All of the above?


No way Huntress or BC are as well known as Catwoman and Poison Ivy. I can also see not using them, because if you do, people would expect Batman.

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The trailer was awesome. Can’t wait to see it. Definitely think Black Mask will get his Mask in the movie as this will be his origin. Nice to see BuD and Lou get there big screen debut. Definitely think there will be a musical number. Looks like it going to be fun.

I’ve been enjoying the Obi jokes already and the movie isn’t even out yet.

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Into it. Thought it was very good, and looks super stylish and fun. If i had to quibble it would just be that I want to see that Black Mask on Ewan and Huntress domino mask. But that’s a quibble. I think it’s smart to use Harley to set up BoP and then she can presumably be forced back into Suicide Squad and leave the Birds to do their business.


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Please tell me they didn’t just do that to Cassandra… I think my heart just shrank. She was one of my favorites.