Birds of Prey (2023) | Book Discussion | Spoilers Ahead!

I assume Harley does pretty much nothing but consume pop culture in her down time. She can quote absolutely anything at any time.

Also, hate to burst your bubble, but I think that’s a drawing. :wink:


I’ve been really enjoying this series so far! The dynamics between all the team members are fun and I’m definitely intrigued on how this mission will go and all the things that we (and likely our heroes) don’t quite know yet.


I’ve been thoroughly loving this series. The art and color were a huge (welcome) surprise to me.


I was reading #2 last night and was just thinking that about the color.
It’s different, but in a really good way


She does show up in issue 3. With the way issue 3 ended I’m curious if this crosses over to Wonder Woman issue 3.

Now this was funny! Gotta love Harley.


@ampersandrews :00_wonder_woman_gold: :black_heart:



When you’d expect a comic to be Black Label:


I really don’t like that either. I like a superhero fight as much as anyone else but the constant mentioning of them confronting Wonder-woman makes it seem like they are forcing their eventual fight.

Issue 2 is fine but considering it’s just a setup toward the next issue, there isn’t much to talk about. Even a visit towards oblivion bar and a fight scene is not worth mentioning. The ending has a cool concept, but I feel like there was a easier explanation to get to that point. It’s probably my only real problem with the series so far.

Why Black Canary won’t ask Oracle or Wonder-woman for help or why she acts so secretive about the mission to her own team? And what’s the dark future that sin is indirectly responsible for? We have a important time-traveling character here to answer some questions, but we know so little about Meridian own role in the team or how she knows Black Canary or sin.

Funny enough though, I’m kind of enjoying that characterization of Dina and the team. I’m only wishing they had a better set-up as to the reason why Black Canary wanted to form a covert-ops Birds of prey team in the first place rather than some vague evil to stop.


I truly loved Harley for this moment. Well, I truly love Harley anyway, but I love her for this in particular. I’ve spent years ranting about the wild yet weirdly brilliant bondage elements in Wonder Woman mythology. The fact that Harley sees it and acknowledges it was vindicating for me.

I’m going to devil’s advocate this (likely because that’s just who I am), but let’s take full context into account. Spoilers for the current Wonder Woman stories ahead.

So, first, I’ll define the problem. Dinah’s explanation for why she won’t go to Diana about this creates a tension between what the story is telling us and what we believe we know about the characters. To be fair, though, Dinah acknowledges as much: “Yes. I know. Diana is very reasonable and smart and kind. She will absolutely want to do the right thing.”

So her reason for not going to Diana comes in the second part of that quote: “But here’s the thing… if she says no-- for whatever completely legitimate reason-- we’re absolutely screwed.”

So, the strength of this argument kind of rests on what “completely legitimate reason” Diana would have to say no. The only thing we can really go to for that would be the current conflict/tensions between the United States and Themyscira from the current Wonder Woman and Amazons Attack books. Currently, Amazons are being deported or killed in the United States. Tensions are so high that the US and Themyscira could be on the precipice of war. In that context or environment I could see two possible reasons that Diana would say no to Sin leaving the island. First, fear for Sin’s safety. Since Sin has spent so much time with the Amazons, there’s a chance the US government might treat her like one if she returns to the country with Dinah. That could put her freedom and/or her life in jeopardy. Second, maybe the US military tries to use Sin for intelligence. Maybe the military takes Sin into custody and attempts to force Sin to tell them what she knows about the island and its defenses.

Basically, like Dinah, I would expect Diana to be reasonable and allow Sin to leave with the birds. That said, I do think the above are legitimate reasons for Diana to possibly say no. Like, maybe Wonder Woman would decide to back the Amazons’ ability to protect Sin from this vague evil rather than risk the safety of Sin or the island to the currently hostile US government. Dinah would rather just save her sister and not risk that. So… I can see it.

As for the vague evil and Maps, I’m pretty sure all of that will be covered soon enough in later issues and we can asses this further.


Woot woot, Kelly Thompson!


Here are the previews for Birds of Prey #4 coming out on December 5 (Funny enough on my birthday)


Happy early Birthday!


I’m digging the heck out of this mag. Zealot, Barda and my favorite BG (among other wicked-rad characters, natch) all make for one kick-ass team book.

Now, show of hands please: Who else would list Birds of Prey as one of their favorite Batman-related Dawn of DC reads?

Raises his right hand.

Come on, now. I know I’m not the only one.


I’ve really been liking this too. Barda and Diana go head to head in issue 4. :bomb: While I’m still on the fence over BOP going against the Amazons, I’m hoping things become more clear as the series progresses.


I debated on whether to get the variant or not. I ended up with this one.


Can’t fault you :heart_eyes_cat:


The original cover looks really cool but this one was calling to me


Kelly Thompson recently did an interview for the Word Balloon podcast/YouTube channel talking about BOP and some of her other works and she does deliver some interesting hints of whats to come.


Quietly squeals in delight.

I’m already busting to read that one on Ultra. C’mon, January Ultra reads!

As the Grail Knight said in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, “You have chosen…wisely.”

Is anyone going to pick up this forthcoming new release:

As a Zealot fan since '94, I like these Uncovered variants:

The above is a choice nod to the AW Batman.

The above makes me rethink my “no tattoos” policy*

*It doesn’t. I don’t like tattoos, but that is still a cool cover.


I’ve been such a fan of Batgirl in this series. Cass’s appearance as Orphan just didn’t have the same connection with me, so seeing her as a BG that resembled her 2000s run made my heart happy. Also, the art is stellar. So far, I’m on board with this series, and it’d have to do a lot to lose me.