Battle of the Billionaires

Only thing they have in common is their money. Their origins, personality and the impetus behind their creation are not even close to one another. So no, Iron Man is not a knock off Batman, just as Batman is not aping off of Iron Man. I think thats a broad mischaracterization of Tony Stark.


It’s crazy how many marvel fans get butt hurt if we say we like DC better then marvel on a DC universe site


Everyone is entitled to an opinion, I mean we are a community and we should respect each other. People don’t apologize for loving DC more than Marvel or vice versa, we apologize because we are a community and we are all here for the same reason.

It’s DC or bust for me not saying I only watch DC because I grew up on X-men power Rangers BTAS TMNT GI JOE

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Tony Stark is a very different character from Bruce Wayne but, they do share a lot of commonalities. What we should be talking about though is how
Black Cat is LITERALLY Catwoman. Both are very provocative cat obsessed women that flirt/fight with their superhero counterpart. I played the new Spider-Man game that came out a little bit and Black Cat acts and sounds like every adaptation I’ve ever heard of Catwoman. Though correct me if I’m wrong, I don’t have the most Marvel knowledge so I could be wrong.

Both characters are probably my least favorite characters, but I will always prefer Batman over Iron Man. I can’t get through an Iron Man comic at all. I can usually get through a Batman one with the right storyline and featured characters.

I prefer DC but the boxes of Punisher comics in my room imply otherwise. It’s just preference and makes for fun rivalry assuming people act reasonably. Cats vs dogs (Cats), Xbox vs PlayStation. (Xbox) etc. But I prefer Bruce, I find Tony Stark irritating.