Batman Ninja

I thought it was great hoping for more alt universe storys what new timeline would u like to see Batman in


Sumo bane was epic

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I really liked the Poison Ivy they introduced. Wish we could have seen more of her.


A futuristic end of days mad Max type of Batman story would be pretty cool or a Spartan Persian war batman


I would’ve liked for the pacing to be a bit slower and see more of the the villains, it 's a really cool movie tho, I hope they do a trilogy and then some. gorgeous animation and color palette

love the dystopian Batman and Sparta Batman ideas

I would love an animated Wonder Woman movie set in a medieval, Game of Thrones-ish, fantasy universe

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Wheres the subbed version T___T!!?

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One of my favorite DC movies of the decade. I wish they’d get more daring like this with their animation.


I quite liked the film. Another way in which Batman can be dropped in any time period or culture and adapt and still keep the core of the character.

I’d love to see a French Revolution Batman. Which side of that philosophical civil war would he be on, I think would be a great question.

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Worst movie ever rather watch Lifetime with my mom

An awesome movie. Would love to see more especially with the amazing voice wand great animation.

Other eras I would like to see pirate bat get a movie. I know there a pirate earth so it would be cool to see a movie based on that.

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It’s bonkers, but in a good way. I thought that Catwoman was accepted back after her betrayal a little too easily, though.

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True but then again Catwoman is pretty much Batman’s kryptonite.

I encourage you to watch the LEGO movie 2.

It is quite possibly one of the dumbest Batman things I have ever seen, and I LOVE IT. :laughing:

When talking about post-apocalyptic Batman, while not an animated film, if you haven’t read it, I think Last Knight on Earth will definitely scratch that particular itch.