:jsa_book_club: Bad Seed :jsa_book_club:

Hi everyone and welcome to our next February session of the @JSABookClub. This month we will be returning to the Justice Society of America title. Now he last time we followed their latest adventures the Justice Society were facing off against Japanese spirits looking for vengeance in the Blackout/Whiteout story. This one around the team itself might be their own worst enemy as the face an attack from within in “Bad Seed”.

Before we get to that though we must have the…


Club Leaders

@JasonTodd428 & @MatthewHecht

Honorary Member


Standing Members

Abrax, AggressiveIntellectual219, Alec.Holland, anthony.javier3, Applejack, Azrael_Jean-PaulValley14, BatgirlsAmdSignalBookWhenDC, bbzo24, beniac-5, bigblock66, BlueBeetlesAssistant, Bob32571, BobbinIrving, Boswell99, Brenticus_Rex, bromepeter424, Brownliealex1048, CaptainYesterday, CassTheStreet, chintzybeatnik, CrazyQuilt, Daffern, DarcyPeridot, Darkstarz, dave7atgosky, dave_worrell, DC_Community, Deathstroke’sPunisher, deborahma295, december360, djganon, Doctor075, DocterFate1, Don-El, fawsid, finn.p.campbell,frankie.lacy79, l, Frostbite30, ganaoque, harrist, HombreDeMaiz, hotstufflouie, HubCityAnswer, Jay_Kay, jayspice777, Jflow, jlevin, Jurisdiction, kaliym73, lunalane, mbpbinder, _meegs, Meisaj, Midnitehour, MiscellaneousSoup, MisfitCMJ, mitchellbpearson, MoukaYuki, MPMCN86, msgtv, Odbo255, PaintEater, parzival27, ProActress, QuadPen, ralphsix, Ravenrifft, ReaganFan78, Remember5NovEveyHammond, RexRebel, rlynchfamily, Robingames, ROMANLEGION rspezzano, rwm, Ryan22, Schoeswald, Scoop001, Sinestro1,slowp0Ketail, Smallengineerings, SuperBlue Grodd, TheCosmicMoth,TheRealDetectoveChimp, Timmay_Bird, TK52, Tommyskindlefire, TurokSonOfStone, YolandaMontezz, ZacharyLee1995

If you would like to join the club which follows all things JSA please it the link below and join in.


What to Read

Discussion Point

  • How do you feel about the idea that Liberty Belle purposes at the end of this story?


  • March: JSA (1999)

  • April: Justice Society of America (2023)

  • May: JSA All Stars


29- One of the first noticeable things is how much this feels like a joke. Just look at Cyclone’s now spiky hair and Stargirl worrying Obsidian is watching her naked in the first few pages.

This fight is very dumb. Why is the JSA only going after people they are weak against? It makes no sense.

30- Why say you cannot hit Stargirl? Say that in your head dummy. Why did she not just blast them earlier? Why is Eclipso scared of Dr. Fate? Why is Eclipso such a coward? Dr. Polaris hitting Stargirl is later treated like a big deal, but it is drawn like a small detail.

I think Power Girl would focus on her injured teammates before a pursuit. Also splitting into two task forces is not a sign of trouble like it is portrayed. It is basic usage of a large team.

How exactly do evolving military tactics matter here? They evolve due to changing technology (no actual change in the JSA) and armies getting bigger, which is irrelevant when you are comparing to a society of like 30 people.

31- What happened to Magog? From disciplined military man to guy who cannot keep his mouth shut. Alex Montex helped from within and then front stabbed them. Black Adam also helped them as a very loyal member until he too front stabbed them. There was no being taken from within with them. Also they checked on them both just missing a key motivation with Alex, and Black Adam eventually gave up his now motivations. I forgot how much more likeable King Chimera is in JSA All-Stars.

This description of their worth is the most interesting part.

Poor Mr. America is really deemed so low.
Why are super villains up for bail that Dr. Polaris can afford? I take back all the bad things I said about Arkham. At least there you have to actually walk out the door.

Why is Magog at the meeting table? Do not pretend y’all did not know what he would say when y’all presented a fib to get the wanted result.

You know Hawkman is not there to fix the table again right Power Girl?

Rick’s flirting with Stargirl really kills the mood. The are presenting the possibility Stargirl is actually the traitor… Or it is a reference to last storyline. Based on Power Girl saying they order tables now I doubt that. There are way too many characters and things going on this storyline. Way too many.

Stargirl has already been mind controlled at least three times (Stars and STRIPE, Stealing Thunder, and last storyline). Would be a little redundant to do it again, unless that was a future plan to focus on paranoia (actually I like that idea).

Whatever drug got Magog got Power Girl too.

33- Other than the so bad it’s good stuff Dr. Polaris is carrying this storyline. He has the best fight, the best lines, and he is the most aware of how to turn this to his advantage. Unfortunately the fight is ended by supposedly not OP Dr. Fate casts an OP spell that anti-climatically ends it.

They make a big deal about the cost being the Brownstone. Gee haven’t seen it get destroyed before like it was in both Virtue and Vice and Ghost Stories. Easily fixable.

Then some bogus about Mr. Terrific knowing this all along (well how about you watch your own back better if you knew that was coming or at least leave a note or something), and the main villain’s motivation is simply being evil. Also Injustice Society story just feels incomplete without Constellations at a later date.

They try to say it is two different philosophies. The problem is we only see that from 4 members. No real way to tell how everybody else feels.

Makes sense for writing them. Could have just been said they were dividing into two task forces to focus on different areas. They really just need Magog to be a (ironically) good soldier. He earlier asked when to make complaints. The answer is following the chain of command, not yipping in front of everyone. Just solve that issue and everything is good.

That summarizes this whole storyline, a bunch of nonsense, very entertaining nonsense. This is going to take me forever to proofread.

While I understand Liberty Bell’s answer, I disagree with it. This set of issues was an excellent summary of who the JSA is, was, and wants to be. This tension between past and present and member’s differing views of how to operate and shape the team defines this iteration of the JSA and contributes to what makes the team so intriguing.

Overall, this was a great set of issues. The artwork was simultaneously dynamic and stately and effectively showed the characters’ emotions even as they were chewing the scenery and smashing marble tables. I also liked how the story repeatedly pointed out how deep and powerful the team is. The JSA is underrated!

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