Ask Alan Tudyk and April Bowlby of Doom Patrol Your Questions!

Do you think Steve the Pirate would make a great addition to the Doom Patrol team?


What are your favorite issues of Doom Patrol from any run?

Why does everyone seem extremely over emotional, and seem to lack the good judgement and common sense of their age… it’s a bunch of ageless people screaming I want want I want, and half could be accepted especially Jane if she just listened… I don’t get it… if like hard stop making it harder … especially Jane… damn I used to love this comic book

April: If you were cast as Crazy Jane how do think your approach of playing the character would have been?

Alan: What is your favorite part about the role of Mr.Nobody?

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Alan: Do you prefer doing voice over work to regular acting?

April: How did you approach the role of Rita once you were cast? Did you draw inspiration just from the comics or add your own flavor?

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Thanks so much April Bowlby! And thanks to DC Universe for doing these interviews. They are increasingly becoming one of my favorite parts of the service. Can’t wait to see what Alan Tudyk has to say :slight_smile:

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I can no longer find the april bowlby interview thread. Did it get removed?

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