Another Batman Live-action movie??🤔🤔

Do you really think another Batman Live-action movie is necessary?? And why do you think that?:thinking:


I’m biased because he is my favourite character, but yes. More batman. Plus, the last one by the movie’s release date would be 9 years, which is quite a lot of time


Plus, in this new universe he is the only trinity member without a solo movie

I get that it’s been a long time since the last movie solo but there’s so much characters and stories that could help create a more concistente cinematic universe.

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I won’t go see it. Robert Pattinson just doesn’t get me stoked for a Batman film. Also it’s part of the Shared universe. I’m sorry to say, for me that thing is done. When it arrives here or on Netflix I’ll check it out.

No I don’t think we need this at all.

Considering that right now its been seven years since the last solo Batman movie and it will be at least a year or two until The Batman hits theaters, I’m all for a new Batman flick.

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Is any movie necessary? Is cake necessary? Am I necessary?

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Pattinson is a great actor, not in twilight but in almost everything else

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Yes, like oxygen and sunshine a new Batman movie is necessary. I fear for the future of the human race if we don’t have one. Also, a live action Jabberjaws movie.

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Nyuk nyuk nyuk!

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Inch High Private Eye would love to see a Jabberjaw movie. So too would Devlin.

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Batman, Batman Returns, Batman Forever, Batman and Robin, Batman Begins, Dark Knight, Dark Knight Rises and Batman v Superman. ( That’s 9 movies ) and you still want more?

How many times have you eaten pizza?

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If X is the number of characters in the known DC Multiverse that aren’t a version of Batman, then there are X characters I’d rather see that DC made a movie about.
Batman has been done to death. My Batman-fatigue is real.
Batman, Batman during Gaslight age, Batman is a ninja, Batman and the turtles, Batman lego, Batman arkham games, batman in wonder woman… batman… batman… batman…
DC is like the DJ who is still playing YMCA at every party. It was great. It was great many times. But… for the love of god, please stop.
Why don’t we have a Legion movie? or… anything… anything else… please DC… Even a Mr Bones solo movie (without batman… no… I hear what you are thinking…no batman… not even a cameo) would be so much higher on my wish list.

I do get the fatigue, but in terms of live action movies, we are getting other characters. On fact, before it comes out we would have had about 9 non batman movies.

There are a ton of other properties that deserve time in the spotlight movie-wise (especially LOSH) but Batman movies will never go away. They’re solid moneymakers and merchandise movers.

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@r3d_ho0d We literally just passed 1,000 issues of just one Batman title. Only 9 movies? And you’re wondering why make more? More like where are the 991 other movies?! Bring…this…movie…on.

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Technically BVS isn’t a batman film. At least I don’t count it as one. Plus batman is a huge money maker from a financial standpoint, and his fanbase is huge.
Also, if you’re building a universe you have to establish batman, so many characters are connected to him, and it’s harder to go on without him

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DC is planning on doing a Batgirl movie. You can’t have that without Batman. Nightwing/Robin is due for a big screen also too. You seriously can’t release any bat-family without Batman first.

Now this makes me question those Batwoman lines/trailer now, uggghhh!!!