All comics???

I’ve been trying to get into the Batman comics but so many of the series are incomplete. I remember when I 1st got the app they said at the end of october ever DC comic was going to be available. That was a while ago and I haven’t seen or heard anything since. It’s hard to get into something knowing that I won’t be able to finish the story or there are missing pieces . Does anyone know anything about this?

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Hi @blakeo.wing.37882, we hear you! This is a known element of the DC Universe that fans have been letting us know they’d like to see changed in the future. We are working internally to see what can be done to update the comics library. This is why the language changed about October, because we knew we needed to work extra hard, beyond what was already planned, to make sure the fans got what they wanted. Please stay tuned for more updates in the new year!
In the meantime, we have an excellent book club that covers some of the runs we have available on the service. you can find more details on the front of the community page under “Trending Topics”.
Thanks so much for the feedback!


Thanks @Applejack! :blush:


We would love to see you drop by our little book club! This week we are checking out a COOL little Batman arc :cold_face:

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I see what you did there.

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If you’re trying to get into Batman may I suggest Hush? Great story with many characters. Get a broad span of Batman. If you pick up Hush alone its a good starting point. Or find an artist or story teller you really like and start with their run. Or start at New 52 or Rebirth