A New Gotham Arises in Place of the One of Kate and Ryan

As for TITANS…

Killing or permanently writing out Donna or Rachel-- or anyone-- really won’t make any sense dramatically. They killed Jericho and he’s been locked in his evil father’s head for five years. Writing Donna out having teased Roy Harper-- that’s just wrong. Of course, ‘fall’ doesn’t have to mean ‘die.’ Rachel could lose herself to her dark side while saving Gar from mind control, and Donna could find herself called to Olympus or something using too much power to stop a mind-controlled Conner-- or even some kind of surprise reversal. It could be as simple as the Titans accepting Ravager as one of their own, and this drives Jason to turn a bit more Red Hood. Or Jason sacrifices himself to save Rose from Slade-- That would be less redundant to Jericho’s previous sacrifice, or Garth stepping in front of a bullet-- so it could work, and fall on the genuinely dramatic side, and not be a kind of fridging. Of course, Donna, Jason, and Rachel all have resurrection story lines in the comics. Oddly, there’s no sign of Jericho in the trailer for next week–or Krypto! It’s even possible that the Bruce Wayne in the Elko diner was Kronos or Zeus or something. There’s a lot to go down next episode regardless-- particularly given the usual length of only 40-44 minutes, No TV show, or even comic, is ever going to be perfect in its representation of anyone’s favorite characters-- and the biggest weakness of Titans, even more so this year, is a lack of screen time for the individual characters. No, there aren’t too many of them-- this has been storytelling choice-- and one that needs to be adjusted in a third season.


Was that really Bruce Wayne in the Elko diner?

  • Yes
  • No
  • Yes, but Bruce somehow ascended to godhood

0 voters

The estrogen on Batwoman and Supergirl is getting so thick you can cut it with a spoon. Target demographic, so I get it. However…it’s getting to be a bit of a slog.

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Just to make sure I understand: are you saying estrogen makes the show sloggy?


Spoons are for soup. Spoons are ice cream and cereal. Coffee-- and tea!!!

No. The volume of estrogen is. Just as an over abundance of testosterone can. At this point, they might as well remove the male characters from both Supergirl and Batwoman (unless you want to keep Kate’s father just for the “daddy issues”) the male characters are generic, interchangeable parts. This wasn’t a good idea when shows did it with female characters nor is it a good idea when shows do it with male characters either.

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You seem to have a limited use of cutlery.

Spoons work quite well for custard, pudding, stew, certain form of pasta, actual proper French toast, grapefruit…and the list goes on.

Besides, cereal should be eaten with ones hands. Forgot that milk, just makes it soggy.

You can also play the spoons,

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You can also play the forks, but it’s much more painful.

I did learn how to play the spoons, not very well mind you, for a show I did in collage, because I couldn’t learn how to play the guitar in even the most basic of ways.

huh, just found out we may not quote spoiler text … anyway, totally agree, leave him be; my fear is that the show is telegraphing Ralph’s demise in Crisis, something we’ve already gone through, with the Thinker, but personally have no desire to see again, even temporarily

I’m on the exact same page with you. I’m happy with his character and don’t want to see anything other than him being a hero and also finding Sue .








are reruns!

A perfect time to catch up on your CW SHOWS!

Meanwhile, in the land of R-rated cable— a new episode of WATCHMEN!

“This Extraordinary Being”


I hope Ralph finds Sue and she rejects him and gets married to someone else.



sings “Watchmen, Watchmen, Waaaaatchmeeeen!” while playing spoons to the tune of said song on his knees

1 Like

I finally saw Arrow.

Once again, the cast proves its worth. , and the cliche of the fight club is used to solid affect and effect.
But watching Earth 2 Laurel becoming the real Black Canary-- magic.


The resistance continues on



Black Lightning

The Book of Resistance: Chapter Two - Anissa and Jefferson have a heart-to-heart and she tells him she needs Black Lightning’s help in escorting meta refugees out of the perimeter. (11/25/2019)

Streaming TOMORROW on the CW APP!


And now I’ve seen last weeks BLACK LIGHTNING

Ummm… how exactly does a Markovian army hide out on the outskirts of Freeland? Yes, I know this an a parallel of the insurgent forces that exist around the globe, but this isn’t a terrorist cell-- this is an invading force committng an act of war on US soil–

Looks like we have a new Geoforce-- renamed to Brandon.

What exactly are Grace’s powers?

So I’m not going to say Black Lighting has gone a bit off the rails in this third season-- but it is chugging along a bit slower, skirting closer and closer to that whole 13 hour movie structure as opposed to episodic television.

Who gets pulled from the BL universe into the single earth, post crisis. The “bubble” covering freeland makes it but the Markovians are erased from existence, along with all the metas that they’ve been “saving”?