A New Face at DC: Nice to meet you, I'm Jitsu!


The World of DC Comics is a vast one.

Just in case
You would like
To get more info
On DC History

Here are my links on this

Secret Origins the Story of DC Comics

In that hour and a half you will get a good overview of most of our comic book library. It was filmed in 2009 so of course can’t talk about newer than that

The DC History Club has this video as the topic for the month of September 2020.
For the major comic book eras
Before New 52
We list essential
Comic book issues
For each era
And poll members
For additional issues
Of importance

This is my complete list for New DC Readers. It is intended to introduce most of the major characters of the universe at a basic level. It is by year

This is my
Batman for new readers

if you want to learn significant events in super hero genre history. Most significant issues are mentioned here. It is by year

if you want to learn how Superman Batman.and Wonder Woman were created