Obscurity of DC Presents: Ultra-bscure Book Club, Week 74 (May 26-June 1) --- JOE THE BARBARIAN!

Aloha, @ObscurityofDCClub and other members of the DC Community! Welcome to Week 74 of Obscurity of DC’s Ultr-Obscure Book Club! This week, we’ll be starting a two-week focus on…


Number of Issues: 4 (Please only read issues 1-4)

Synopsis from dcuniverseinfinite.com: One of the hottest writers in the industry, Grant Morrison, brings this Home Alone meets The Lord of the Rings story to life. Joe is an imaginative eleven year-old boy. He can’t fit in at school. He’s the victim of bullies. His dad died overseas in the Iraq war. He also suffers from Type 1 diabetes. One fateful day, his condition causes him to believe he has entered a vivid fantasy world in which he is the lost savior — a fantastic land based on the layout and contents of his home. His desperate attempts to make it out of his bedroom transform into an incredible, epic adventure through a bizarre landscape of submarine pirate dwarves, evil Hell Hounds, Lightning Lords and besieged castles. But is his quest really just an insulindeprived delirium — from which he can die if he doesn’t take his meds — or something much bigger?

Now that that’s over with, here are some discussion questions:

  1. The series starts off with a VERY bold splash page of Joe sitting in front of his dad’s grave. This is where he says “hey dad. You suck.” How do you think Joe’s fractured and upsetting relationship with his father has influenced/will influence the story?
  2. There are a few characters who overlap between the worlds. What do you think their significance is?
  3. Of the many places visited so far, which is your favorite, and which has your favorite community. Why?
  4. So far, the gang includes Joe, Jack (or Chakk), and the Giant Prince. Which of these do you like the most? Why?
  5. There are MANY differences and similarities between the two worlds. Which of these attracted you more to the story: the similarities or the differences? Explain.

Do you have an interest in exploring the unknown? Do you like discussing comics? Do you like pineapple on pizza? If so, The Obscurity of DC Club is the club for you! Join HERE if you’re interested!