Yara, Jon, and Jace…Your Thoughts So Far?

Good luck. By then there will be hordes of other elements your audience will want that will still be owned by DC, but at least you will have a chance.


Mr. Burns, what will you do as you bide your time?

Steal Abe Simpson’s love interest?

Run over Bart?

Sell your power plant to German buyers, only to buy it back later, then declare “This is a place of business! Not a pee-wee flophouse!”?

Block the sun?

Sell your mansion to Brett “The Hitman” Hart?

Run the power plant with Smithers, and in so doing, create a two-headed dog, with a head on each end of its body?

Attempt to make a vest from puppies?

Make Smithers peddle the bike after he gets stung by a bee?

Welcome, then turn away, your long-lost and lazy, yet hilarious, slob of a son?

Aimlessly wander around a forest every Friday night in a daze as you make folks think you’re an alien?

What man, what? :nerd_face:


Yara= hungry jungle cat i like her. Jon…golden retriever puppy,…Jace: want to like him but I have issues with the fox family from the aftermath of the Joker war and lead up to fear state.


Surprisingly Yara-flor despite having a canceled tv show and comic series, Yara has a fairly consistent presence in the DCU. I think it’s largely due to her design, her Brazilian influence, and highlighted cameos in Wonder-women books and big events. Yara-flor is wonder-girl now. Working alongside Wonder-woman and that’s great in the future when Yara-flor becomes Wonder-woman.

Jonathan Kent superman has a Fandom already established from the super-son era but I could see that teenager Jon Kent, despite his inconsistencies of characterization from Bendis, Taylor, and Kennedy, is a mainstay that won’t be going away any time soon. His prominence as a now lgbt icon also helps.

Jace Fox Batman might not be around too long. Jace Fox is really only interesting in his own corner of the world written by John Ridley. I don’t know if enough creative teams particularly like or care about this Batman to bring him up anywhere else once Ridley is done with him.

For me his biggest problem is since Jace is not being trained under or working alongside Bruce Wayne, the character really not showcasing himself into a wider audience.


I feel like Yara Flor is going to be the one that going to end up being the biggest success of them in mass media. I think that most uses of Jon in other media is going to focus on him as a kid because thats going to end up being the more marketable form of him.


Jon Kent is probably selling better with the superman brand name. Yara Flor maybe will sell better if she is called Wonder Woman. Jace Fox maybe will sell better if his title is called The Batman.


I thought once a time, Jace Fox was going to get the Batman title while Bruce Wayne and his family got the Detective Comics series. If I’m honest, it seems like Ridley or his editor Ben Abernathy are kinda stingy with this character use. Right now Bruce is “dead” from the failsafe arc and this would be a perfect time to use this Batman but there is no indication from the solicitations that’s the case.


For now


Well can’t say I have fully formed opinion on these characters yet as legacy characters are already tough to do. But here is my two cents.
Yara- Potentially the best character of the bunch, however to date the most under utilized. Personally, I feel they need to separate her from the other Amazons and let her character grow on her own for a bit.
Jon- Nothing against him, and I’ve liked him in the Dark Crisis storyline, but we already had a college age Superboy to use, would’ve preferred he had stayed a preteen for a few more years and stories.
Jace- Batman already has way too many potential legacy characters they didn’t need another one .I actually think I would have preferred him as a Guardian type character.


Its comics, I fully believe that in the next 10 years preteen Jon will be back in the long term


boy girl code names have been out of date for a while so should probably try to transition away from them. During the bronze age, i remember when hawkgirl changed to hawkwoman. Legion is saddled with these boy girl code names so should try to keep legionnaires as high school age.


I agree with you jace does not fit and no jace is not like john because he likes batman knew
him and is also not calling himself batman anymore


and that right there is the main with jace he does not like batman


Interesting takes, folks. It’s been a year since this thread was started, so a good time to take stock.

Right now, the only one out of the three that’s really on my radar is Jon. I think Superman: Son Of Kal-El was effective in fleshing him out as his own hero, a somewhat different Superman than his father, without tearing down the original. The upcoming change in his powers in Lazarus planet sounds very intriguing, and a cool way to set him further apart from his dad.

I’ve had no interest in going back to check out The Next Batman, even with Ultra. Jace had a cool moment in Dark Crisis. Other than that, I haven’t really been sold on him as a Bat character, let alone Batman. @storyteller91, he’s not calling himself Batman now?

Yara hasn’t been used much, and it’s making me forget her. Again, a cool moment in Dark Crisis, but not much else. At this point, I feel all she has going as a character is a well developed and likable personality. I missed the news you guys mentioned that she will be joining Diana on some adventures. I think that will do the character some good.


The whole idea around Jace Batman is a mess of contrivance.


When people heard the new Batman of future state was going to be a black man, their were speculations on who that might be. A common theory at the time, Batwing Luke Fox was going to take the mantle and become the next Batman. It’s plausible because the character was young(a favorable trait for future state characters), established black hero in Gotham, and one who had been shown to have associated with a high tech suit that mirrors another future Batman Terry Mcginnis.
The literal opening of Future state: Next Batman tricks you into thinking it is Luke Fox but by issue 2 they reveal it to be a unknown character that was brought back from the 70s called Tim Fox now Jace for story reasons and likely because Tim Drake would confuse things. “Congratulations DC! You totally punked us out! Now make your blank slate of a character interesting as Batman.”

If Jace was somebody other than Batman I would like him and the I Am Batman series a lot more. I don’t know maybe in another media they could have him become a peacekeeper or even a Talon.


no azrael no longer calls himself batman and he knew and liked bruce and if he had been younger I’m sure bruce would have adopted him to


they could still do that the only reason people don’t like him is because he doesn’t like batman and calls himself batman but I bet people wouldn’t mind it so much if batman adopted him clearly thats what needs to be done or else get a new name


Ah, Azrael. Sorry I misunderstood you!


yara is ok and jon is still great


Truth be told, While I may sound negative on the Jace Batman, I do actually like him.

It’s got me interested in the fox family and I think this I Am Batman series along with Batwoman CW got me liking Luke Fox.

For some reason Ridley has not added Batwing yet which is strange as it’s disappointing.

There two sides of the same coins and the kind of a dynamic duo who can bring a unique brotherly vibe to the books.