Worst of the Worst

@Batwing52 The members of the Court aren’t zombies. It’s the Talons that are zombies. They don’t wear a suit and owl mask, they wear owl-themed ninja suits.

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Final Crisis? That is the one that comes immediately to mind. I tend to not have bad experiences with comic books, but that is the social worker in me. Always finding the strength in the story, even if it wasn’t something I personally enjoyed. Due to that I tend to like everything, except Batman. Every time I try to read anything with him as the primary focus I just get annoyed. I have tried numerous titles and been recommended so many stories that allegedly will get me over it, but nope. I know though they aren’t bad stories, just my weird hatred of a huge loved character. That is why I lean on Final Crisis which was a discombobulated mess. Morrison tends to rub me the wrong way as a writer.

  1. Even if it’s ambiguous, it’s still hackneyed. I was already fuming over point #2, but this development tipped it over the edge.
  2. If the Court of Owls had been the villains of Zero Year, they would have been fine. But at this point? No way. Suspension of disbelief lost.
  3. And here’s where our opinions are obviously going to differ. I think Morrison’s Batman arc is the best Batman story of the last 25 years.
  4. Again, I just don’t think that my idea of cool and Snyder’s idea of cool ever line up over the entire 52-issue run.
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@Awesome_Squid Honestly, Killer Croc wasn’t that outlandish back in '83 when he first appeared (alongside the first appearance of my boy wonder Jason Todd!). He was just a mobster with a bad skin condition. And since I don’t like Hush, it should come as no surprise that I don’t like what Hush did to the character.

@Batwing52 The Talons just fall into this weird middle ground between the typical villains and the delightfully absurd ones like Morrison’s ninja man-bats.

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Morning Glories. A COLOSSAL waste of time. The whole comic builds up like there’s this intricate master plan, but there’s zero payoff. Avoid at all costs.


Nobody ever wants to argue with me about JLA. It’s very sad.

So instead, let’s scrape the bottom of the barrel here. A DEATH IN THE FAMILY. This is the worst comic book I’ve ever read (note that I do try to stick to the good stuff). Why did Willis Todd know an Israeli superspy and an international assassin? Why do they think Jason is Shiva’s kid? I think they’d be able to tell if he were half-Asian (made even funnier in retrospect by the fact that that very thing was what made Cassandra Cain suspect that she was Shiva’s kid). Why does the Joker have a nuke? How dumb of a coincidence is it that Jason’s mother just HAPPENS to be in the same place the Joker is selling a nuke? How does the Joker not notice that Bruce Wayne and his new ward showed up, and Batman and Robin showed up, and the ward is Robin? Why does the entire plot change halfway through? Why does Iran want to blow up the UN? Why do they hire the Joker of all people to do it for them? What’s the point if Superman is the one to stop this mess?

To quote Atop the Fourth Wall (well, Batman Forever by way of AT4W), it just raises too many questions. Also, this comic sucks.


Psyba-Rats #1 is crap in comic book form.

Jim Balent’s Tarot, Witch of the Black Rose is nice to look at, but that’s all it has going for it.


Superman: For Tomorrow. The story wasn’t interesting and meandered. That’s hard for me to say because I like Brian Azzarello’s work, but this felt like he really wanted to tell the story of the priest more than Superman. And then we have the Jim Lee art. I have to say, I’m not a fan of Lee’s work. I don’t outright hate it but I don’t go insane for it like everyone else does. His style just doesn’t fit Superman. He really loves to do the angry red eyes of anger.

I’ve gone back and read it about a year ago to see if I felt differently about it. It’s still not for me, unfortunately.


Justice League: Cry For Justice and Rise of Asenal


Future’s End comes to mind.


@superby1 Yes, Superman: For Tomorrow would easily be my choice for the worst Superman story I’ve ever read. I would say that it falls apart in the second half, but I don’t think it was all that together in the first place. Also, I kinda think there should be a company policy against taking Lois Lane out of a mainstream Superman title for an extended period. If writers can’t handle telling the story of a happily-married man, then they need to write for another character.


Man…the “For Tomorrow” comments are a bit surprising to me. One of my favorite Superman comics. One man’s cup o’ coffee is another man’s cup o’ tea. I happen to like both caffeinated beverages, so not really sure what that means :joy:


I should also put this one out there, 52 Aftermath: The Four Horsemen. Had to force my way through that one back when it came out.

Seeing a lot of Superman: For Tomorrow and Future’s End. Both awful. I couldn’t even finish FE. For Tomorrow at least had good art.

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New 52 red hood and the outlaws, I have the trades and love to display all trades and show my growing my collection but I’ve pulled those off the shelves and am looking to just sell them.

I didn’t enjoy ambush bug year none


The Power Girl pregnancy arc in the 90s Justice League was just…ugh.

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I can’t believe no one’s mentioned Metal. I mean, it’s just awful. Even Final Crisis, which is terrible, isn’t as bad as Metal.

@harley.333 Just saying, Metal was probably my favorite event from Marvel or DC, probably ever.


I LOVE Metal, and I love Final Crisis. Fun and bombastic, just like event comics should be.

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