World of Wonder | Wonder Woman (Series 1975) S2E13 8/30 @ 6PM PDT/9PM EDT


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World of Wonder watches another episode of Lynda Carter’s Wonder Woman. Come join us!

We’ll be watching Light-Fingered Lady

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For those who have joined a Watch-Along before, you know the drill. For those who haven’t joined a Watch-Along before, read on to learn more.

:white_check_mark:THE DEETS​:white_check_mark:

Who: You!

What: Wonder Woman (Series 1975) Season 2, Episode 13 - Light-Fingered Lady

Where: Right here on the forums! In this thread! In the comments below! Maybe on your phone! But also, you’ll be watching Wonder Woman (Series 1975) on another screen to make it easier. So there, too.

When: Sunday, August 30th @ 6pm PDT/9pm EDT.

Why: Because the community that geeks out together, stays together.

How: Great question- read below!


:point_down:RULES OF THE ROAD​:point_down:

  1. CAN’T WIN IF YOU DON’T PLAY – You must have a subscription to DC Universe to access Wonder Woman (Series 1975)
  2. DUAL-WIELDING – Watch-Alongs are best experienced on two devices; Your phone for comments, and your big screen for viewing.
  3. 2, 1 LET’S JAM – Have your clicking finger on the “play” button and ready for action- we’ll be starting at the strike of the hour.
  4. A WRINKLE IN TIME – If you get lost in the time, you can calculate where the audience is by checking the minute- For example, if it’s 6:15pm PDT, then we are 15 minutes into the show.

:sparkles: Let’s watch Wonder Woman (Series 1975) :sparkles:

Questions or concerns? Reach out @Nu52 :inbox_tray:

Click HERE to get a cool flair and join the club

Watch and track #world-of-wonder to keep up to date with all club events


If we were to watch two episodes a week, would you rather

  • Watch 1 episode on Saturday and 1 episode on Sunday
  • Watch 2 episodes on Sunday

0 voters

If we were to watch 2 episodes on Sunday, would you rather

  • Begin watching episodes at 5pm PT/8pm ET
  • Begin watching episodes at 6pm PT/9pm ET

0 voters

Any other thoughts on the matter, comment them below please :v:


2 episodes every other week would really work for me, off this weekend


for the poll on what time to start Two Episode Sunday, both are good for me. If it’s looking like a tie, i might try to sway things

Assuming i have internet, i will be in attendance. from the new digs :grin:


2 episodes per week? Love the idea!
I would rather have one on saturday and one on sunday to still space them out a bit, but either one is fine with me. I understand some members might not be able attend on saturdays so…


I prefer the double dose, but that’s just me


it’s the blue dress! does she have a sword?


LMAO That’s exactly what I thought of when I saw it!

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Same. Don’t want it to start before 6p, but I can make it work. :+1:

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I read the part about the blue dress without realizing what tge guf was. I was thinking it was the spin from the football episode The Deadly Sting but thought, “Light Fingered Lady is the one that was compared to the film.” I scrolled back up and saw that’s the episode being discussed. Would I be obsessed?


This is the episode where Steve delivers his best line (according to me anyway) :blush:


Hello! I’m going to try to make it to this one, but in case I don’t, heres my spin (and don’t forget to count the splosions, and rate the costumes…and cahootery.) Hope everyone is doing well. :purple_heart:

Ps. Congratulations on the new place @AntLeon! :tada: :hugs: And @VonterVoman (whispers) whats the line? :eyes:


Ooh, I won’t spoil for the ones who haven’t seen it yet :zipper_mouth_face:
It’s the second to last line of the episode though :eyes:


I know that spin, My Teenage Idol Is Missing

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I’ll be watching Black Panther before the watch along tonight so I can watch the Chadwick Boseman special on ABC after. Glad there are ways to watch these days unlike when I was a kid and you had to watch what was on when it was on…


By Luciano Vecchio

Gonna try to screencap and share that picture


You should be able to save it by clicking on it to enlarge it and then hitting the download button.

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1 hour until the WAL

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