World of Wonder | Wonder Woman (Series 1975) S1E11 5/10 @ 6PM PDT/9PM EDT

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Join World of Wonder as we watch Episode 11 of the Wonder Woman series starring Lynda Carter.

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For those who have joined a Watch-Along before, you know the drill. For those who haven’t joined a Watch-Along before, read on to learn more.

:white_check_mark:THE DEETS​:white_check_mark:

Who: You!

What: Wonder Woman (Series 1975) Season 1, Episode 11 - Judgment From Outer Space: Part 2

Where: Right here on the forums! In this thread! In the comments below! Maybe on your phone! But also, you’ll be watching Wonder Woman (Series 1975) on another screen to make it easier. So there, too.

When: Sunday, May 10th @ 6pm PDT/9pm EDT.

Why: Because the community that geeks out together, stays together.

How: Great question- read below!


:point_down:RULES OF THE ROAD​:point_down:

  1. CAN’T WIN IF YOU DON’T PLAY – You must have a subscription to DC Universe to access Wonder Woman (Series 1975)
  2. DUAL-WIELDING – Watch-Alongs are best experienced on two devices; Your phone for comments, and your big screen for viewing.
  3. 2, 1 LET’S JAM – Have your clicking finger on the “play” button and ready for action- we’ll be starting at the strike of the hour.
  4. A WRINKLE IN TIME – If you get lost in the time, you can calculate where the audience is by checking the minute- For example, if it’s 6:15pm PDT, then we are 15 minutes into the show.

:sparkles: Let’s watch Wonder Woman (Series 1975) :sparkles:

Questions or concerns? Reach out @Nu52 :inbox_tray:

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Happy Mother’s Day everyone!

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Happy Mother’s Day! And that is one cute gif, it’s the cutest gif ever! :purple_heart:


I made like 4 or 5 gifs for this episode :joy:

Glad I went with this one though. Definitely the cutest :smiley:


I’m sure it was a difficult decision, Lynda Carter is a literal goddess so how do you choose!!?


Exactly! You just can’t go wrong.


Happy Mother’s Day!


Aww what a great sequence that was!


two hours, fifteen minutes

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Under an hour!

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14 minutes

Fresh off the Green Lantern

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Green Lantern is so good. I gotta make time for one of the watchalongs one of these days.

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We are nearing the end of the season, so sooner rather than later would be best.

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Oh, darn. I’m with y’all in spirit!

you could split the difference and come at 8:30 PM ET


2 minutes!

We’re in for one hellavu recap

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Hello :wave:. How is everyone?


True! You guys watch 2 episodes at a time. I forgot about that.

Question: are we going to go directly into season 2? or no

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