World of Wonder | Week 27 | Birds of Prey | Jan. 29-Feb. 4

I wouldn’t be surprised if I was arguing with me in my first post.


You got the badge then

I mean, who doesn’t look at themselves in the mirror and say “Listen here you little ■■■■?”

…Oh, that…that’s just me. Okay. That’s…good to know.

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Anyway, the thing is, feminism isn’t one absolute, monolithic thing. Its tenet is that a woman can be as prudish or raunchy as she wants. And it should be noted that the co-writer and co-artist of this issue and of the Harley Quinn book for the past five years is a woman, Amanda Conner, who is a pretty badass woman in her own right.

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Harley’s Little Black Book #1

I’m going to go the opposite way of my fellow WOB leader and say that I really, really liked this story. It’s zany, it’s twisted, and it’s still a good Wonder Woman story, specifically on the different ways that she inspires people. I liked the scene of her using Diana’s example to stand up to her bullies…in her own, unique and savage way, of course. Yeah, it really doesn’t make sense continuity wise, but the series has always been a little outside of that anyway. The way that Harley fangirls over Diana is hilarious, both in her lines and especially in her facial expressions – Amanda Conner is a great artist who can do action and comedy and make it look easy.

Some favorite pages/panels:

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Me too. I put these solo Harley books in their own little, not exactly separate universe. So, if the other characters don’t act entirely normal, that’s okay. I mean would the Justice League let Harley catapult people off of Coney Island. I’ll also admit that the super cute art goes a long way with me.

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The way I’ve always thought of it was that it was just enough in continuity to make fun of continuity if it wanted to.

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i was a little disappointed that WW #276 wasn’t a Wonder Woman team up. But seeing a less busty Power Girl was nice, despite my earlier chauvinism (which i am assuming was mild vs moderate or severe). That story also opened up with the narration invoking Earth-2; not really a point, more an observation.

Hope you don’t mind me answering the rest of the questions real quick even though it’s kinda over. :sweat_smile:

  • Which Birds of Prey character would you like to see Diana team up with more often?

I mean, I wouldn’t say “no” to her teaming up with any of them, but honestly, if I had to choose one…this might be controversial, but I might say Harley. I think she offers the most unique and different storytelling opportunities and challenges for Diana.

  • If you could form your own BoP team, which characters would be on it?

That’s a hard question. I think much like there’s a proper trinity of the Justice League with Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman, I think there’s a trinity of the BOP with Barbara Gordon, Black Canary and The Huntress. It just doesn’t feel like the team proper without those three. Then you can add some other previously good members like Lady Blackhawk.