[World of Bats} Batman Book Club-One Year Anniversary: Detective Comics #1000 - 8/1 to 8/10

:joy: yeah it sure was LOL. I still liked it but ending his wish image with a dinner murder was super strange.

Yeah I liked this story in DC. The idea of a person who grew up in Arkham getting to see the other side of these characters and have them get behind and support her to create a new approach to being batman was interesting. I had a bit of a shoulder shrug with part of the ending which I mentioned earlier above but I still think the character has potential.

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I free handed the dots, that’s why they look off :sweat_smile:

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Woohoo! Congrats on a year! :tada::tada:


Oh wow bravo they look great!

Nice! Always love your style. :star_struck:

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I’ve read this. Do I read it again? What will I think this time? Can I not ask myself more questions?


You can certainly ask more questions…but it will cost you a 100 tokens per inquiry sir. :smirk:

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Not sure how I missed this the first time I checked out this thread. Your style creates so much mood and you do it with shades of grey too!! Love it!

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Beautiful. Just beautiful.


@Aquamon @RobArt471 Thank you!

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Well the time has come. It has been a fantastic experience to share and many thanks to you all for making this such a fun place to discuss bat stories I love and ones I’d not yet read. I feel Shaman, The Dark Prince Charming, and Batman/Spirit were some of my favorite new stories I’d discovered this last year.

As the World of Bat’s Book Club embarks on its new frontier and voyages on in it’s continuing mission, to explore the adventures of the Dark Knight, to seek out fan discussion and boldly go into year two, I leave it in the more than capable hands of my club partners @Jay_Kay & @PekapekaLongtailedBatJamags. Thank you all for joining me this last year. As a batfan might say: Bat’s All Folks :batman_hv_1:

Get ready to binge Batman: The Brave and the Bold in one week (or ...


You will be missed.

Action 313 SadMan

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Thanks man and for all you have contributed to this club. I learned a lot from you this last year. I’ll still be around just not hosting things. Might do that DC Comic detective thing mentioned in KSC.


My thoughts on the stories:

“Batman’s Longest Case” – Like I said earlier, kind of weird plot, but I like it in terms of the sentiment and message of the story, the idea of Batman being a consumate detective, always searching for answers; not just for his cause, but for the thrill of the chase. Plus you can’t go wrong with more Capullo Batman. :smiley:

“Manufactured For Use” – Again, the puns of it were a little bad, but again, I liked the idea of it – and it’s possible it might be something that will be part of the character going forward, if the rumors are true about his symbol in upcoming The Batman…

“The Legend of Knute Brody” – Hilarious story, love how it humanizes the villains of these books and gives the heroes a moment of fun. The moment in the end with Damian was too precious. :smiley:

“The Batman’s Design” – When I read it the first time, this was kind of an “eh” story for me – loved Warren Ellis’ work in the past (even though it’s kind of hard to do so now, knowing what he’s done), but it just didn’t really say anything all that profound or interesting. Becky Cloonan does some pretty good art, though, would love to see her do more Batman work.

“Return to Crime Alley” – I must be honest, when I first read this, I really didn’t like it. It kind of felt like a rehash of a kind of basic YouTube video or fluff opinion piece whenever the news cycle was slow. I don’t get the message really, like what, Batman isn’t supposed to disarm people who clearly mean to mug them by gunpoint? Don’t get me wrong, I love O’Neil’s stories, his original Crime Alley story is a classic, but it kind of struck me as something he felt obligated to go back to but didn’t really have anything new to do with it.

“Heretic” – An interesting idea, but I don’t know I kind of feel like it was too truncated as an eight page story. You can kind of tell with all the panels, the telling dialogue, and how the story just…ends. It might be interesting as a full sized story.

“I Know” – That was a fun story, though you really can hardly go wrong with Bendis and Maleev doing crime stories. Penguin was a fun different character to do for this kind of story, and I liked his reasoning of why he never pulled the trigger on Batman’s secret identity.

“The Last Crime in Gotham” – It’s an interesting idea: Batman wishing for crime to be over and to have his family with him. Kelley Jones was an…interesting choice for this. I’m personally not a huge fan of his Batman, but he does really well with creepy, horror stories, and this didn’t really feel like it was meant to be one. I do like the name “Echo” for a Bat-family member, that should be a thing. Maybe for Cass? Anything would be better than “Orphan.”

“The Precedent” – I really, really like this one. It really showcases Dick Grayson’s importance to the Bat-Mythos, not just for himself, but what he brings and what he sets up.

“Batman’s Greatest Case” – Oh hey, here’s where I got the spread for the club directory post! I really like this story. While they may be a touch too quippy (like King was bitten by a Radioactive Bendis or something), I really love seeing the whole Bat Family interact.

“Medevil” – “Wait, did Tomasi just say the reason why his new villain hates Batman is because if you say ‘bat’ really fast it sounds like ‘bad?’ …BWA-HA-HA-HA THAT IS SO STUPID.” That was my reaction upon reading this, and it pretty much disuaded me from picking up Tomasi’s run on Detective. Having read the arc, it works a little bit better, though not really by much.


Oh, and I just want to say thanks for your contributions to the club, for being the first one to really bite the bullet and start the club, and for letting me and Jamags along for the ride. Hope we still see you around talking about the books. :slight_smile: