Wonder Woman Evolution: Live AMA with Stephanie Phillips and Mike Hawthorne! Monday 11/22 @2pm PT/5pm ET!

Stephanie: Oh, yes. I am CONSTANTLY telling Mike to draw MORE sleeveless Wonder Woman! I DEMAND it!..I don’t know exactly how to pin down where a story comes from. I think it’s just a way of looking at the world and feeling inspired by my creators and the content that I get to take in as a fan. I love telling stories and I’m interested in stories that reflect things I care about and am passionate about. While I provide a script to Mike, I see it more like a blueprint. If I say I think this house should have windows, Mike might go and make these amazingly gorgeous stained glass windows because he’s talented and amazing, and now that house is going to be WAY elevated beyond what I could have imagined. We’re both still building a house, but we’re contributing elements that I feel are uniquely us.

Mike: Yes, once Steph has talked with the Oracles she gets her ideas THEN tells me what to draw. Stephanie is being too humble. She’s written this beautifully structured story. I just have to show up and make some pictures. I think this thing would read wonderfully in prose, honestly.