Wonder Woman: Encyclopedia of Villains

Name: Doctor Domino
First Appearance: Wonder Woman #205 (1973)
Creators: Robert Kanigher and Don Heck
Abilities: Has a domino brick for a head. Criminal mastermind with a number of henchmen. Possesses a cargo freighter from which he performs his criminal operations worldwide. Has a collection of nuclear warheads each of which is powerful enough to destroy whole cities.

Backstory: Doctor Domino was an evil mastermind with ambitions towards world domination. Like other evil geniuses of his caliber, Doctor Domino somehow had a secret headquarters, a number of deadly doomsday weapons, and a large number of henchmen who follow his every command without question.

For reasons unexplained, Doctor Domino had a domino for a head. Whether this is a medical condition, a genetic trait he was born with, or the fault of some freak domino accident; it seemingly plays no part in any of his villainous schemes or motivations.

Doctor Dominos primary focus and drive is in seeking out and obtaining dangerous doomsday weapons of mass destruction so that he could blackmail the governments of the world and become its new leader.

Such as Professor Zunis ‘Bacteria Cloudburst formula’ A bio terrorist weapon which when used would create large formations of airborne and instantly deadly bacteria which could wipe out whole city populations while leaving everything otherwise in pristine condition.

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