Wonder Woman: Encyclopedia of Villains

Name: Paperman
First Appearance: Wonder Woman #165 (1966)
Creators: Robert Kanigher and Ross Andru
Abilities: Made wholly from paper, Paperman can reform his body into anything concievable by paper, gaining those properties in the process. Can merge with existing paper to hide. Can expand or contract in size, becoming as small as an envelop or large as a billboard.

Backstory: Horace was a simple employee at the chemical processing plant which created special experimental paper used for military operations when falling into a non OSHA compliant chemical vat, he became paper itself!

When the transformation change Horace, his co workers laughed in hilarity at his terrible fate, with only Diana Prince showing any concern for Horaces unfortunate accident.

Horace being a nice guy was convinced that the only reason Diana Prince could have shown any concern or empathy for him must be because she was in reality madly in love with him. Thus training his newfound powers, Paperman would enter into a life of crime.

Stealing wealthy and priceless objects at Dianas feet in the hopes of earning her affection. And whenever she would try convincing him to stop these criminal escapades, return what he stole, and confess to his crimes, he would declare that Wonder Woman had gotten to her, poisoning Dianas mind against him, unable to understand why she wasnt falling head over heels for a sweet nice guy like himself.

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