Wonder Woman: Encyclopedia of Villains


First Appearance: Wonder Woman 13 (1945)
Creators: Joye Hummel and H.G Peter
Abilities: Ruler of the subartic seamen. Leader of the cult of the electric fire walrus. Capable of living in subzero temperatures. Can swim in artic waters.

Backstory: Deep under the ice of Antartica there was a mysterious land which mankind has been seeking out for millennia. The fabled Garden of Eden. In this divine land despite being buried under miles of ice, it was ever warm, sunny, and the rich garden thrived with tropical fruits all year round.

Surrounding the Garden of Eden was a moat of black ice water and an intricate natural cavern system in the ice where dwelled ‘the seal men’ a race of blue skinned humanoids who evolved from seals. Having evolved in the darkened caverns and waters beneath the ice, they could not stand the light of the garden of Eden least they go blind. But whenever the fruits from that garden fell into the waters surrounding it, the Seal men would feast.

In the present day the Seal men had formed a modern monarchy and named their domain ‘Bitterland’ Ruled by King Rigor, these Seal men sought any possible means of getting their hands on the fruit of the Gardens of Eden. Even making an effort to grow and harvest it themselves, though the light necessary to maintain the plants would render them blind.

However in the time between the Seal men coming into existence and the present day, the Garden of Eden had been found by the goddess Aphrodite who using that ancient of laws ‘Finders Keepers, Losers Weepers’ claimed it for herself. Thus traveling to the planet Venus where she was worshipped by the immortal fairies who ruled that world, she appeared before their ruler Queen Desira and declared her wish to grant a new land to her daughter.

Thus Princess Eve of the fairy folk of Venus would be brought to the Garden of Eden as its queen, renaming it Eveland which would eventually come to be inhabited by her children and her childrens children as fairies are born from the dreams and desires to have offspring.

King Rigor and seeing them as a potential slave labor, would have his men and his son use nets and hooks to try and pull the Evegirls out of Eveland and into Bitterland, forcing them to work the fields the Seal men had created. All the while also trying to appease their deity, the electric fire walrus who would consume the Seal men if not appeased.

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